Chapter 1

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Sirius POV

Sirius Black strolled through the corridors of Hogwarts with his usual swagger, his mind abuzz with thoughts of Quidditch, mischief, and the upcoming NEWTs. He was in his sixth year now, a Gryffindor through and through, and a proud member of the infamous Marauders – James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew.

But amidst the laughter and camaraderie, there was a nagging feeling that something was amiss. It wasn't until he laid eyes on her – Leila Snape, the younger sister of his sworn enemy, Severus – that he realized what it was.

Leila Snape was everything Sirius should have avoided – a Slytherin, the sister of a Death Eater sympathizer, and someone who harbored a deep-seated hatred for him and his friends. And yet, despite all of that, there was something about her that drew him in – a fire and determination that sparked a curiosity he couldn't ignore.

It started with a chance encounter in the library, where Sirius found himself paired with Leila for a Potions assignment. The tension between them was palpable, her disdain for him evident in every icy glare and biting remark. And yet, beneath the surface, he sensed something else – a vulnerability that she tried so desperately to conceal.

"Black," Leila's voice cut through the silence of the library, her tone sharp as a blade. "Try not to mess this up. I have no desire to be paired with a Gryffindor."

Sirius raised an eyebrow, unable to resist the challenge in her words. "Oh, don't worry, Snape. I'll try my best not to cramp your style," he replied with a smirk, taking a seat opposite her.

As the days turned into weeks, Sirius found himself inexplicably drawn to Leila, despite his better judgment. He would catch glimpses of her in the corridors, her expression guarded yet hauntingly beautiful, and he couldn't help but wonder what lay beneath the mask she wore so well.

But with each passing day, the obstacles between them seemed to multiply. His friends – James, Remus, and Peter – made no secret of their disdain for Slytherins, and the thought of betraying their trust weighed heavily on Sirius's mind.

And then there was Leila herself – proud, fierce, and fiercely independent. She made it abundantly clear that she wanted nothing to do with him, her words laced with venom and resentment.

"You're still here, Black?" Leila's voice startled Sirius as he rounded a corner, finding her leaning casually against the wall.

"Can't seem to get rid of me, can you?" Sirius retorted, trying to mask the nervous flutter in his chest.

Leila rolled her eyes. "Believe me, I've tried."

Leila POV

The corridors of Hogwarts seemed to close in around me as I made my way to the Slytherin common room, my mind consumed by thoughts of the upcoming Potions assignment. I couldn't shake the feeling of dread that settled in the pit of my stomach every time I thought about working with a Gryffindor – especially one like Sirius Black.

Sirius Black – the name alone was enough to make my blood boil. He was everything I despised in a person – arrogant, reckless, and far too handsome for his own good. And yet, despite my best efforts to avoid him, fate seemed determined to throw us together at every turn.

"Leila," a voice called out from behind me, causing me to stiffen. I turned to see my brother, Severus, approaching with a look of concern etched on his face.

"What do you want, Severus?" I asked, my tone sharp.

Severus sighed, running a hand through his greasy hair. "I just wanted to make sure you're alright. I've noticed you've been spending a lot of time with that Black boy lately, and... I'm worried about you."

I bristled at the mention of Sirius's name, my defenses rising instinctively. "I can take care of myself, Severus. I don't need you hovering over me like some overprotective parent."

Severus's expression softened, his dark eyes betraying a hint of concern. "I know you can, Leila. But please, be careful. The Black family is not to be trusted."

I finally finished chapter 1-  T-T


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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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