The Actor, His Fanboy, and A Camera

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'Calm down, Joss! Calm the fuck down and take a breath!'

Joss lifts up his camera, aiming the telescope zoom lens towards the actor playing the drums on stage. Joss feels like his heart is beating faster, the fluttering in his chest almost matching the loud screams of fangirls around him. He doesn't blame them when they push and shove him in excitement. In fact, he's so used to them jostling him and ruining some of his shots. The fanboy wishes that he could cheer and enjoy the fanmeeting with his own eyes like those fangirls rather than through a camera lens but he had a reputation to uphold.


One of the most well-known fansites dedicated to Krist Perawat, rising soloist and actor in Thailand is ran by Joss Wayar, a broke freelance writer. Or at least Joss used to be broke, now finding that he makes decent enough to not worry about expenses and paying rent being a full-time fansite master.

Yes the money was good, but Joss wasn't in it for the money. Most of it goes back into providing fan support and his equipment maintenance.

Joss didn't really know how it happened.

It had just been a few innocent clicks on Twitter and Youtube videos of Krist Perawat screaming his lungs out in fear of height and doing some stupid dances.

'All while being a fucking charmer.'

Joss didn't really follow Krist Perawat from his beginning in a boylove series called SOTUS but upon checking out the actor's music videos. By the time he realized his interest for the actor, it had snowballed into buying goods, attending different events, and dedicatedly following Krist's schedules. This probably is not one of his best decisions, like camping out early morning since 5am in the cold spring weather outside the Grammy building for a good spot during Krist's recent fanmeeting.

Joss sneezed. Loudly. The things he went through for Krist, the ultimate bias who didn't know about his existence.

Except until now.

Because Krist is looking at him, raising an eyebrow before smiling brightly and waving cutely. Joss blushes before waving back weakly, wondering if he is really making eye contact with him or someone else.

He immediately has the answer to his own question as the girls around Joss start giving him judgmental looks, their gazes surely envious and one of them unapologetic when they elbow him on the side.

'Definitely on purpose this time.'

Joss, however, doesn't react, not wanting to make a scene and instead focusing on the devastatingly handsome Krist Perawat drumming thanks to prompting from a cue card. All the cards were all fan requests collected in a box before the start of the event.

The next part is freestyle dance, and Joss feels color drain out from his face when he hears the familiar bass of ATOM's Karma and Krist is eagerly thrusting his hips on stage to the beat.

'Fuck my life.'

Several non-straight thoughts cross Joss's mind as he clicks away almost feverishly, catching Krist's hips in action with each frame.

A pleasant and familiar laughter echos from the stage when Krist stops after the chorus, his ears flushed a little red from all the attention but he smirks. Screams erupt from the audience again and Joss smiles underneath his camera, proud of Krist's effect on the three hundred people crowd.

'Ah, P'Krist is too handsome! Only his smile makes me want to scream.'

The roar of fans settles when Krist moves back to his seat, sitting daintily like he hadn't just murdered his fans with suggestive hip dance moves. It'd would be a lie to say Joss didn't feel a little hotter after Krist's dancing. The actor smiles cheekily, confidence and pride radiating from him like a magnetic aura. 

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