School crush (James Earl of Wessex x Y/n)

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Requested by MorganUnderwood971

I was sitting at a table at school, talking to my friends, Luke and Will, when I saw someone I had never seen before. She had gorgeous hair, and a beautiful smile.
"Hey guys, who's that?" I nudged my friends, discreetly pointing at the girl.
"Her? That's y/n. She's new. D'you like her?"
"W-what? No! I don't even no her..." I stuttered awkwardly. It somehow fooled them, so we continued talking as we shoved pasta in our mouths. I snuck a few glances at this... what was her name? Y/n? Well, whatever it was, I snuck glances at her, and the boys didn't seem to notice. Phew.

My twin brother, y/b/n and I had moved to a private school after we kept getting bullied and abused- by teachers and students. I was talking to y/b/n when a mop of brunette hair caught my eye. I saw the person's face, and he was very handsome.
"Hey, who's that?" I asked my brother.
"Oh, that's James Mountbatten-Windsor. I've become good friends with him, actually. He was the grandson of the queen until... well... you know..." I nodded. The grandson of THE QUEEN? The literal queen of England- well- used to be queen of England. "Does someone have a crush?" Y/b/n wiggled his eyebrows. I whacked his arm. "Oi! I was just jokin'!" He said, before walking over to go and chat to the James kid and some other boys.

"Ok, so, we're doing a history project on Australia! I will assign you partners. We'll have... Hugo and Max! Mason and Georgia!" The history teacher, Mrs Peterson, continued to name partners until only me and someone else were left. "And I guess that means James and Y/n are together!" Me and James shared an awkward smile. I went slightly pink. I will never say this out loud, but James was quite handsome.

"So, where do you want to do the project? And your place or mine?" James caught me after school.
"Um, could we do yours? My house is a bit crazy at the moment, because we've just moved." He nodded.
"We could do... 5pm?"
"Works for me. See you then."
"Bye." We parted ways, and I tried not to get too excited for tonight.

"So, you like her, huh?" Y/b/n, my new friend who happened to be y/n's brother, nudged my side.
"What? No! Peterson put us together for history!"
"I can tell you're lying..." he said cheekily, before running to catch up to his sister.
"What? I'm not-" I stopped, realising he wasn't listening anymore. I sighed. Did I like her?

My dad drove me to the address James had texted me after we exchanged numbers for the project.
"Wow... this is a big house!" I muttered under my breath. I guess it made sense, after all, apparently he was the grandson of the late queen.
"I'll pick you up when you text me." Dad said.
"Ok. Bye, love you!" I waved. I walked up to the door, took a deep breath, and rung to doorbell...

Hi everyone! I think I'm going to make this a two-part story, because I think James and y/n being at his house could be a whole part by itself!
Btw, if you know what school James goes to, please don't go out and tell the world! Ed and Sophie probably wanted it to be private! Google says he goes to eagle house school, but now a lot of people know the secondary school he goes to!! I found on an Instagram page that a lot of people had commented on a post which had photos of him in his school uniform, saying the school he went to and even the class/boarding house he was in!! Please stop leaking it!!

Part two coming soon...

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