realationshits and ranting

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uuuhhmmmmm hi i was gonna delete this but like then i realizd stuff I can say are really limited outside some platforms so yeah

anyways here's liek som basic realatinships in the au (platonic/family/lovers whatever)

Lawyers family, Consists of Mason (father), Marley (Daughter), Mary (Daughter), Ally (Daughter & Adopted) — I'll probably go more in depth about this in another chapter

Almost everyone hates Ally (Other than Alicia who is her friend) (why you might ask? why the fuck not i respond)

Austin and Charlie are NOT related in my AU. I don't know what's with SOME of you fucks forcing your headcanons and calling it "canon" but i will gladly shove up my friendship headcanon to your throat if you get close to me.

Melodie and Kiryomi are dating but one of them is definitely gonna die beacuse no lesbians lives in my au. well no gays either. well not any straights either..well not any aros either...

Natalia is a undiagnosed sociopath, Melodie is a oblivious piece of shit

Becca and Spencer are dating, their kid is Quinn, and no they are not a functionable family in the slightest. Becca stop dozing off drop the weed and feed your child.

John and Vinny start dating and just the next morning Vinny dies. (They both knew it was going to happen)

After Annie's family farm gets burned she gets sent to an orphanage and meets indah and they become friends.

I don't know how i can justify my Colleen x Nikolai thoughts.

Vinny worked with both Hannen and Aphrodite for designing & modeling purposes

Like in the canon, Jojo, Jo, Lara and Jordan are friends. Spoiler Jordan fucking drowns in a pool, Lara technically never existed, Jojo has a brain of a 13 year old because he literally dropped school for his stupid fucking project and decided spending his teenage years staring at a computer screen coding to make the impossible maybe possible in the world and Jo has PPD ^_^ (did you guys know jojo is my comfort character)

Grace and Mike aren't against each other. Grace actually pulled Mike out of that garbage fire. (Lobby map)

Thiago got turned in to Chlorine. Got a full on google document about this

Don't. Ever. Fucking. Trust. Odette.

Rosalie and Sabrina are friends. Maybe dating who knows

Rosalie, Sabrina, Veronica, Viola, Zahrah are in a friend group

Spoiler alert: In the end almost everyone dies!

Oh and Alex is Autoromantic and Autosexual for some reason don't ask me why i want auto rep.

Most of the cast is aro (or in the aro umberella) so uuwhh I think that clears out almost everything else

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