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Beauty queen of only eighteen, she had some trouble with herself.


I sat there on the hard wooden bench in my dusty cold room. I tuck in one stray strand of my hair behind my ear.

All I hear below me is a slam of my door, and then a muffled frustrated scream.

I don't understand why my parents fight anyways. They're already divorced, so why can't they just leave it be and just get away from each other.

I mean, they don't already notice who I am. For gosh sake, I'm their daughter. If I'm ever seen downstairs they just ignore who I am.

I'm betting that if I ever try to talk to them, they'll not know my name. Ever since my sister had died to...cancer. I don't think they'll ever be the same.

I stare over towards the blue, round box sitting on my small makeshift desk. It belonged to my sister, Seraphina. She would always keep her little knick knacks she would find outside. Such as beautiful leaves or rocks covered in crystals.

But ever since she died, my parents threw them out of the box. I was protesting against them, but they ignored me despite all of my pleading.

I've instead replaced it with my things, that I would of thought that would make my sister happy.

I filled it with entries of my life, kind of like sending letters to my sister even if she wasn't here.

My life was so perfect, so beautiful. But yet all of this happens to us, just one little news of my sister being diagnosed with cancer and everything goes haywire.

We thought my sister was strong enough to go through the sickness. But she didn't, we were devastated collapsing in sobs onto the ground.

But I shouldn't even feel this self pity.

I shouldn't.

Why exactly? Because I'm pretty sure some people in the world don't have anything to eat, or were orphans.

But sometimes, you can't help yourself for thinking thoughts.

And these were the thoughts I couldn't resist. The thoughts of me thinking like I'm unloved.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2015 ⏰

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