Chapter 2

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It was dinner time, as Frankie walked to the Great Hall after her little win at the library. She liked being right. Dinner had already started and many students were elbow deep in their meals. She walked to the Ravenclaw table and sat besides her friend,

"Flitwick wants me to help him sort some books tomorrow. Why'd he have to choose me of all people?'' The short haired girl starts to rant before Frankie even sits, "I'll spend my Saturday morning surrounded by bloody books and Flitwick.'' She whines and her friend exhales a laugh,

"Well, I am gonna sleep.'' Frankie says happily. She's been exhausted lately and is looking forward to a long night in the sack.

"I fucking hate you'' Her friend groaned as she once again wallowed in the fact that she'll have to help their head teacher tomorrow.

"I'd hate me too.'' Frankie teased and piled mashed potatoes on her plate. She liked them with tomato sauce and pepper. She heated up the water in a cup in front of her before pulling a lemon tea bag from her bag and letting it dissolve in the hot water. She loved lemon tea.

Emmeline Vance and Francesca Madden had become fast friends after Emmeline made a silly mistake of confusing their respective toothbrushes in second year. Until then they were just girls who shared a dorm with two another two girls- Priscila and Dorothy.

Frankie was peculiar that way. Until she became close with Em, she had no real friends. More like acquaintances and she was fine with that. As an eleven-year-old coming to a big, great school, making friends seemed like a formidable challenge that she felt no need to tackle. She had people she knew, and whom she greeted in the hallway or asked about the assignments, but they weren't friends per say. Until one day at the end of second year, her roommate Emmeline accidentaly brushed her teeth with Frankie's toothbrush and after apologizing profusely, came out all sorts of confessions about their shared two years in a dorm, which led to a friendship that tests the limits of Frankie's patience to this day.

"Archie asked me out again...'' Emmeline informs suddenly, her mouth half full of roasted chicken she had on her plate.

Archie was a Hufflepuff boy Em was seeing. And then wasn't. And then was again, but no one was supposed to know. Now, neither knew where they stood with the other, but Francesca did know she'd have to listen to the same old story many more times to come.

She couldn't stop the eye roll even if she wanted to, "Tell him to piss off.'' She thought her friend deserved someone who was sure of his feelings towards her. But then again, Em had her reasons.

"I miss the shag...'' Emmeline whined. Good reasons.

She was very open about her sex life to her friend. And Frankie... Well, Frankie didn't really have anything to be open about. And that messed with her mind on a regular basis.

It's not that she had no desire to, because she did, Francesca just couldn't seem to find someone she was willing to do all that stuff with. She wanted someone who got her going physically and she hadn't seemed to meet them yet. There were some guys throught her stay at Hogwarts, but when it came down to it, she realized she didn't like any of them enough to devote.

It often striked her that she still had never kissed anyone. And she wanted to know what it's like. What it felt like to kiss someone until you're gasping for air and what it feels like to have someone kiss your neck until there was a purple mark for everyone to see, and how it felt if someone touched the parts of her that she was tired of touching herself.

But it didn't feel right with her to just walk up to a random bloke and snog him either. It was all very confusing in her head and she preferred ignoring it.

That thought was rather rudely interrupted by loud, bark-like laughter that came from the very entrance of the great hall. It seems to have become a habit by now. Just as luck would have it, the Marauders had entered the venue.

The tallest of them, Remus Lupin, was the one Frankie could say she had seen most of. He was a frequent at the library. His hair was messy and neat at the same time, and a bright smile graced his face despite the scars that covered it as well. His dimples were downright adorable and his torso always seemed to be hugged by a ridiculous sweater. He gave James Potter a push as they laughed and walked to their table.

James Potter. Well, James Potter strutted wherever he went.

His hair was a perfect mess, and his broad build filled up the uniform nicely. The spectacles he wore only made his radiant blue eyes seem even bigger. Despite the mischief his smile showed off, his eyes were kind. And when they passed Lily Evans, the girl with hair redder than the brightest of flames, he blew her a kiss. She rolled her eyes in return, but a light blush tickled her cheeks.

Slightly trailing after the group was a slender lad. Light hair and watery eyes, despite his young age. Peter was his name, Frankie recalled. The boy seemed quaint to her. She wasn't sure why, but as actively as he participated in the Marauders shenanigans, Frankie sensed a more devious aura around him. Still, his smile was bright as he called for Black.

And of course, the notorious Sirius Black. The close up she got at the library was enough to make him appear on her radar from now on. He was talking and gesturing wildly while his friends laughed and his own smile stretched his lips. And, to no one's surprise a few winks were sent in the direction of random girls whose eyes lit up with attraction.

There, that was all Frankie wanted.

Certainly not with the Black heir, but with someone. Although she couldn't not acknowledged the beauty of the dark haired boy. He was leaner than Potter, but happened to fill up his uniform just as well and his arms seemed just muscular enough, while also maintaining his junkie-like form. How in Rowena's name hadn't she noticed him before? In a romantic way of course.

You couldn't not notice the Marauders even if you tried.

"A fine specimen indeed...'' Em muttered, making Frankie's gaze shift onto her. She was also looking at the raven haired boy. "You fancy him?'' She now looked at Frankie,

"Of course I don't. I don't even know him.'' She argued reasonably, before adding, "But he's certainly easy to look at...'' At which her friend snorted in amusement,

"That's putting it lightly. The man's bloody gorgeous! His hair is prettier than mine.'' Emmeline whined.

It is true though. Sirius Black's hair was extraordinary. It was as black as ink and as thick as the clouds in the sky before the storm. It had a natural wave to it which framed perfectly his slim face and high cheekbones.

On another interesting note, Francesca preferred wearing her hair in an updo. It was long and neat, but she liked it out of her face. Usually, she opted for clipping it in the back and letting it fall in a semi tail. Sometimes if Em was up to it, she would braid her hair losely. Anything too tight or sleek was sure to cause an unnecessary headache.

"You finished? I have to go and start on the potions notes for the test on Monday...'' Emmeline always seemed to be complaining about school. But she always aced it, and then restarted the circle.

So, Frankie shoved down the last bit of mashed potatoes and left the great hall with Emmeline.


Another short chapter, but they should be getting longer from now on. Hope you enjoyed it, don't hesitate to comment, it always makes my day <3

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