Shivering soldier

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It's 1940, A man is on the docks of Ramsgate, waiting to be drafted by boat to Dunkirk in a few days. The man knew this was coming, and yet still didn't feel quite ready. He was only a few days away from being dragged off to his doom, while every part of his mind screamed at him to run for the hills. The ship of unknown fate would arrive sooner or later, and when it did, it would take him with it. The soon to be soldier couldn't do anything but sit and ponder everything that brought him to this. You are taking your routinely walk by the docks, as you look out in the distance you spot a man sitting all alone.  The soldier caught your eye, and immediately drew your attention. Something about him felt safe, familiar, and inviting yet you couldn't understand why. There was a strange feeling inside of you pulling you closer to him, asking you to go sit down next to him. You eventually lost the battle to this feeling and sit down next to him, little did you know this would be the beginning of something greater, something bigger.

you spend the next few days with him, laughing and smiling the most you ever had before. Everything about him was perfect in your eyes.

Of course things were too good to be true... and eventually the dreaded day finally came around.. the day you both knew would arrive when all was said and done.

You stand in the moonlight with him after a sharing yet another day of bliss together. Although there was always an underlying feeling of dread and sadness it had never felt as palpable as it did now.

You and him stand there together holding hands and looking back at one another, the only light coming from that of the moon.

He lets out a small sigh and his warm smile faded. "I'm not sure if I can do this." he says nervously as his grip on your hands tighten.

"It's not like your fate here would be any better seeing as their throwing runaway soldiers into prison."

His breathing grows quiet for a few seconds "Yeah, it would probably be better if I just go fight in the war. It's just I've never been this scared of anything before. But this... I don't know how to cope." He looks at you, yearning to hold you close and never let go, though he can't, because he knows how much more pain it will cause him, so instead he squeezes your hands slightly.

"I wish I could see you again, but this might be our last time meeting Y/N." He says as tears well up in his eyes.

"Oh don't say that henry," you say softly as tears begin to form within your own eyes, "I will wait for you Henry, I will wait for you to come back." You try to put on a courageous smile, so he doesn't see your torment, though tears still cloud your eyes.

Tears begin to stream down his face, even though he tries to control it. "I don't know how I can do this. All those guys are ready to fight in this war. I, however, am not. I'm not cut out for it. I.. I want to give you this flower to remember me," he takes a step closer to you and removes a tulip from the pocket his jacket, it was yellow, the color of hope, of prosperity, and of joy. He looks at you, a tear slowly crawling down his cheek, "Please keep this flower safe. Your the only woman I've ever felt this deep connection with.. this- this feeling of love."

"don't speak such nonsense, those men out there aren't ready either. Nobody is ready, please don't beat yourself down further than you already have." You lose the battle to your tears as they begin to slowly fall from your eyes. You take the flower and hold it gently in your hand. "I will hold it dearly to my heart Henry and when you come back, I will give it to you. I am optimistic you will be back." You reach into your bag and pull out a journal. "Take this Henry, remember me by this. Wherever you go I want you to write, I want it to give you hope, the same hope that I have."

He gives you a weak but caring smile. "Thank you. That means a lot to me." He carefully takes the journal and looks down at it trying to hold back more tears. As the wind blows, he leans in and kisses you softly on the cheek. "Don't wait for me... I'm just an ordinary man with no extraordinary capabilities." He steps back and looks at your face his eyes full of tears.

"This is the last time I'll see you Y/N." He takes your hands again.

"Henry, don't give up so easily, please." you say desperately as your heart aches. "You are extraordinary to me. I know we haven't known each other for long, but I already feel I've known you my whole life." you take both of his hands. "you and I will meet again, please.."

His tears slowly stop as he squeezes your hands tightly, wanting to make sure to remember the feeling of this moment, "I hope to see you again. I will write to you and send you whatever I can." He smiles for a moment before the sadness comes rushing back as he stares at you, "I wish I could hug you... but I promise this moment will be in my memory forever."

"I would love for you to write to me Henry." you pause and then lean in wrapping your arms around him and hug him. "I'm sorry.. I just had to."

Tears begin to fall down his face yet again as he feels your warmth wrap around his body. He clings to you tightly, and his heart begins to race again. He doesn't want to let go "The touch of an angel is what you are to me," He looks into your eyes taking in every detail, "Thank you Y/N... for loving me. For being my comfort. My home. For everything..." He hugs you closely, feeling the tulip between the two of your bodies.

You smile softly and rub his cheek. "Of course, I always will."

The tears are running down both of your faces like a rivers. The sound of your voices amidst the quiet night, the feeling of your hair, and your body on his, all combine to make the world stand still even if just for a moment. He closes his eyes, his mind wandering to the world where he might see you again, a world that's not guaranteed.

"I will wait for you Henry. Even if that means I have to wait my whole life." You say as your heart feels as if its being chopped into a million little pieces.

The sound of your sweet voice in his ears brings even more reality to the situation. Your embrace is the only thing that can truly calm is troubled heart in these horrible times. "I hope the war ends soon... and if I come back.. I will be standing there at the gates, waiting for you Y/N." His voice is shaky as he speaks.

"I hope it will be over soon as well... but just know in your heart Henry, I will always be thinking of you."

His tears continue to fall rapidly, and he tries to wipe them away with his sleeve causing them to stain his army uniform. "I will think of you every moment I'm in that hell. There's nothing I'll want to do more than hold you close to me again," His eyes close again as he tries to take in the sweetness of your words and embrace. "it isn't right, we should have to say goodbye like this." his mind fills with all the possibilities of what could happen to him in war.

"henry.. I don't believe this is truly a goodbye.. it can't be."

He kisses both of your hands before finally letting go of them. Please keep safe Y/N. I will think of you.. wherever I end up." He begins to turn around and walk away before he stops and turns towards you again. He notices your red eyes and the tear stains on your face, feeling the same way in his heart as you feel.

"I'll miss you. I'll miss looking into your eyes and seeing your smile. I'll miss hearing your voice and feeling your warmth around my body. But that day we meet again, in heaven or on earth, I will once again hold you and kiss the same hands I just kissed right now." And with that he turns around as tears run down his face.

"Me to.. me too Henry.." Your world shatters as he turns for what could possibly be the last time. "Farewell Henry... but not goodbye..." Your voice breaks with your final words and you turn around as you prepare to part ways with the love of your life.

"Farewell my one and only..." And with that you both begin to walk away. Your heart aches to be with his and you hear his footsteps grow fainter... and fainter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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