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Unexpectedly, the sound of screams echoed through the narrow alley. Busy people passing by turned their heads in search of the source of the noise, including Xin. He then saw a crowd forming at one of the corners that led to an even narrower alley a few meters ahead.

Xin felt that he was already late and needed to return immediately. However, the gathering of people made this narrow alley even more crowded, making it difficult for him to move forward.

A few moments later.


Run! Run quickly!

The people who were initially curious about what was happening scattered in all directions, running haphazardly, and fleeing to any place to get away from inside the much narrower alley.

Xin, who was still curious, became confused instead.

"What's going on?"

The people running pushed him backward, making the already crowded space even more cramped. He was kicked, elbowed from both sides, and almost stumbled and got trampled.

Fortunately, he managed to held on and stayed safe.

While tightly gripping the tangled pipes and cables that ran along the edges of the cramped, run-down apartment walls, Xin attempted to climb.

He was searching for some breathing space and trying to create a vantage point to see the source of the commotion.

There, five figures that had nearly devoured him alive before were crawling out from the previous corner. One was crawling on the ground, while the others were crawling into the homes of residents located on the upper floors of the tightly packed buildings.

The giant desert insects, the brutal predators that had preyed on Nova, were still alive and now feasting on the Gantz residents.

"Fuck! No shit!" Xin cursed silently in his heart.

Xin decided to escape and immediately ran back in the direction he came from, avoiding the northern gate of the city wall that was his original destination.

Swiftly, Xin turned at one of the intersections and entered the slum concrete jungle, searching for an alternative route that would lead him to the northern gate through a different path.

"Damn it! They're still alive! What was I thinking? Of course, the Dravens wouldn't come, and the ordinary humans wouldn't be able to kill them!"


Waahhh! Waahh!

Xin, in a state of panic and tried to flee along with the others, suddenly came to a halt. The sound of someone falling followed by the heartbreaking cries of a little girl reached his ears.

The cries gripped Xin's subconscious and made him stumble to a stop, turning around.

And there it was, at the end of the street. In the larger alley where the giant locusts had emerged, a frightened little girl fell and cried.

"No! No! No!" Xin's inner voice screamed.

The memories of the collapsed Rinia's School flashed before his eyes.

The little girl sobbed, trembling in fear, and started wetting her skirt.

Looking at what transpired in front of him, Xin promptly regained his senses.

As the little girl helplessly saw the heads of the four giant locusts approaching , Xin quickly steeled his resolve.


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