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Ashley was the most beautiful girl. At least everyone that talked to her said that.
She wishes she could believe them but, that's harder than it looks. No one she talked to looked past her vanity. She wished she wasn't 'so beautiful' most of the time. Her mother says it's a selfish wish, as other girls would kill to look like her but, she would kill to look like anyone but herself. The way the older boys look at her makes her sick, it makes her want to curl up and perish. It's a strong feeling of shame and guilt, Ashley would get sick ever so often. Medical neglect wasn't new to her. Her father only cared when it affected her appearance. It made Ashley feel hopeless knowing that nobody will ever look past her beauty.
It made her feel like an object.

As soon as she walks from her room, opening the door. There he is, her 'loving' father.
He grabs her chin forcing her to look up at him. "Boys must be happy to see you, huh?" He remarks with a grin. She hates the comments he makes about her. They make her feel like a painting for everyone to observe and touch as they please. In all these twisted games and jumbled relationships there was only one thing that was clear. Simon. Simon is a sweet and gentle soul who dresses like everyone's great, great, great grandfather. Simons entire closet consisted of button downs, Jeans, slacks, t-shirts with stupid prints and sweaters that look knitted by the local grandma. He's the type of guy to get high, then ramble about nothing, even when he isn't stoned you can barely tell what he's saying.

"Hi dad." Ashley replies to her father.
"Morning baby." He smirks, playing with a strand of her hair.
"Can I go to a friends house today? For a sleepover." She asks, with a smile faker then her mother's breasts plastered on her face.
"You know I hate when you're away from me..but, just for you." Ashley gives him a nod and walks out the front door, not bothering to get anything but her backpack that already has clothes in it. She walks down the road to Simon's house. Slightly regretting her decision of going there, he can be rather annoying at times, he's so optimistic it's almost inhuman.
She arrives shortly after, he doesn't live far.
She knocks on the front door lightly. it gets opened almost instantly by Simon.
"Hello Ashley, how you been?" His words are slurred and slow, he's clearly a little out of it. Another obvious sign being the joint in his hand.
"Really man? It's ten in the morning and you're getting wrecked?" Ashley groans, walking inside.
"Maybe." Simon giggles like a little boy. Simon leads Ashley to his room and they both sit on his couch and turn on the television.

490 words.
No notes.

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 05 ⏰

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