Avalon : Apostasy [Prologue & Chapter One]

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The government in 2030 issued a new law stating that all human beings under the age of eighteen must be placed in a secure, remote location to continue their studies until their eighteenth birthday. While in these facilities, called the inner world, they will remain in their allotted studies regarding their age and academic requirements. When they are eighteen, they will be fully trained in martial arts, weaponry, and self-defense along with the top-notch academics that is of the most importance for survival in our world. Upon leaving this facility, they must go through a series of trials from one "safehouse" to another without being killed. From there they will have to take it upon themselves to keep themselves in their own self-taught training and revise their plans into their escape from the Inner World. There are five safehouses. When they have reached the fifth and final safehouse, they are strong enough, brave enough, and smart enough to live freely in our world. If they make it that far, they will have full citizen rights, and will live normal lives in our so called "Outer World".

Chapter One:

My name is Avalon I am almost seventeen years old, and I live in station E. Tomorrow I leave for safe-house one. Now I know what you're thinking, I'll be seventeen and I'm not allowed to leave yet, but I have a plan. While the school is dismissing the students who turn eighteen tomorrow, I will sneak among them, break out of this terrible place, and put myself into an even more terrible place. I've had this planned out perfectly.

Here in the Inner World everyone has the same birthday, just different years. It's almost equivalent to back in the day when they had grades for every year you were pursuing your education. That was how you knew who your peers were and how close you were to getting out. This school classifies us in that similar way. Until the day we all turn 18, the day you have to leave the station you've lived in for your entire life, we're all just stuck here.

Except, I cannot be contained here any longer.

In my opinion, you should be able to leave when you feel ready. When you're ready to take off, fight for your right to freedom in the foreign Outer World; that's when you should be able to leave. All you can do is pray to the gods that hopefully one day you finally see that your training wasn't for nothing, if you don't die before you get the chance to live. But no matter what you learn or already know, the only thing that is going to get you out of the Inner World alive is your perseverance and your strength.

The government wants to know if we're going to give up on fighting for our survival or not. We all have had the same training, preparations, and academic teachings, but it's all about not letting our minds be tricked into thinking we can't make it to the very end. That we can't make it to that last safehouse where your life really begins. They know, and we have to make sure we know, that we won't give up. They've taught us everything we need to know, but the ones who come out in the end are the ones who've taught themselves to fight through the battlefields, and to never give up.

You're probably confused on why someone would make us do all of this training and have most of us die before we even have a taste of our freedom. That, or end up staying in the Inner World until we're so old that we end up finishing the remainder of our lives in a safehouse. It all started in 2020 when World War III began. So many parents of young children were afraid of having troops come in from other countries, and kill their children who wouldn't have a chance to live a full life. Even most adults had no training to defend themselves from these supposed attacks.

These people would be out of their minds to believe something as bizarre as an invasion would occur, right? The sane people were the ones who were wrong.

In 2025, five years after beginning the study to help relieve the defenseless, Japan's troops came into America wanting to wipe out our entire nation. Just as those people had hoped would never happen, they killed about half our population before retreating. Millions and millions of young children and adults, completely helpless, had been killed. The remaining Americans had made it clear that this indefensible life wasn't going to be acceptable anymore.

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