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I woke up around 10:30 and went out and got some Starbucks. I got myself and strawberry acai with lemonade and a birthday cake pop. I got Daphne an iced green tea with a chocolate croissant and headed back to the dorms.

When I get back to the dorm room Daphne is still asleep. I put her drink in the refrigerator and her croissant in the microwave. I sit on our couch and turn on Outerbanks. I've already seen the show but I want to rewatch it before the new season comes out. Season 3 comes out in February and I'm so freaking excited. Just after a couple minutes of turning on the show I hear a groan from inside my shared bedroom with Daphne. I pause the show and reluctantly get up to go check on her, and make fun of her.

"Good morning honey." I say in a high pitched fake voice.

"Shut the hell up." She groans sticking up the middle finger. "What the hell happened last night?"

"You decided you wanted to do some jello shots." I laugh.

"And you let me!" She yells back at me.

"I found out after I took you home. You left me as soon as we got in the house." I shrug.

"Thanks anyways." She says holding up the glass of water I put on her nightstand last night.

I stand up and let her pull herself together and end back up on the couch.

There are 3 knocks on the door. I get up and look through the peep hole. It's Ethan. What is he doing here?

"Hey..." I say opening up the front door.

"Hey. Your friend forgot her phone in my car last night." He says waving Daphne's phone in his hand.

"Oh my gosh. Thank you." He hands me the phone, "And thank you again for bringing us home last night."

"No problem." He winks. "See ya around" He gives me a little wave and turns around. I close the door and bring Daphne her phone.

"I was just looking for that!" She tells me, snatching the phone out of my hand.

"Ethan brought it back. You left it in his car last night."

"Ethan who?"

"The hockey player." I simply state.

"Ethan Edwards drove us home last night!" She gasps in shock.

"Yea, I was talking to him last night. Me and that Luke kid kissed." She sits up and hits my arm in shock by the noise.

"Why didn't you tell me!"

"Was waiting for you to be sober." I laugh.

"Whatever." She scoffs with a giggle at the end.

*The next day*

My first Michigan class ever starts in 2 hours. And I'm excited but also nervous. What is it going to be like? Will I meet new people? Will I make friends? Will the class absolutely suck? Who knows.

The class is introduction to sports management it is required to take it 2 times and I already took it once freshman year at Tennessee, so this should be the last time I have to take it... before moving onto more serious classes... that go deeper into the study. You know? I'm minoring in psychology, so that class should be pretty fun, but I don't have that class until another 3 days.

I'm the first one in the lecture hall. The professor is getting his notes together, it seems like, so I just take a seat in the front row and get myself organized. Class doesn't start until another 10 minutes, but since it's my first class at Michigan I didn't want to be late. I usually never sit in the front row, but I want to make a good impression. Even thought I don't think it really is going to do anything, it's not like I'm in high school anymore.

Michigan- Luke HughesWhere stories live. Discover now