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"Fuck! Harry, can you hear me?" I softly pat his cheek with my right hand while supporting his body with my left

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"Fuck! Harry, can you hear me?" I softly pat his cheek with my right hand while supporting his body with my left. I quickly glanced at Blair and found her wrapping Harry's wrist with towels. Harry's blood was drenched in our clothes but we could care less for that.

"Sawyer, what should we do?"

"I honestly don't know Blair. This hadn't happened in such a long time and I had no idea he was suffering again. This is all my fault". I replied while closing my eyes in shame.

"Oh My God Sawyer can you please stop pinning this on yourself and come up with a solution before I call 911".

My eyes spring open and I quickly took the phone off her hand.

"Are you out of your fucking mind Blair?!" I clenched my jaw angrily before taking a deep breath and calmly continuing, "I know you are scared Blair but going to the hospital would cause many more issues. You know what happened last time".

Blair seemingly calmed down and sighed while looking at Harry with concern pooled in her eyes. He was getting incredibly pale by the second and I realised we had wasted too much time in our bickering.

I picked his light body up carefully and placed it on the bed while Blair kept applying pressure to his wound.

"He is bleeding too much Sawyer! We have to get help" Blair desperately says and I couldn't deny the worry creeping into my mind.

I only had one option and knew Harry wouldn't be fond of it when he woke up, but it doesn't matter now.

"Blair go and call Issac". Blair looked at me with tears brimming in her eyes. I met her gaze and gave her a firm nod. She hesitated but ran out of the room to call Issac.

I spotted the first-aid kit sitting on the top of the drawer and immediately went to grab it. Removing the bloodied towel, I carefully cleaned as much blood as I could from his cuts but the blood showed no signs of stopping which increased my worry.

Harry had harmed himself in the past but never to this extent. Blair and I were the only ones who knew of this and later begrudgingly told our parents about this. Eventually, we coaxed him to get help and after receiving proper psychological help he had seemingly given up the unhealthy habit. The memory is still engraved in my mind of when Harry completed his rehabilitation therapy and we both were extremely proud of him.

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