Lucy Chen

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The Lucy Chen
Florence Chen (Lucy's younger sister)

Florence fails in one of her exams and Lucy comforts her when she finds out.

Lucy's POV:

I was at the station when my mum called me regarding my sister Florence.

"Lucy, Florence ran out the door after I scolded her because she failed her exam. She still hasn't come back, it's been almost 5 hours."

"It's been 5 hours and you're calling me right now? Mom she could've gone anywhere, she could be in danger. Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"It's no big deal, she's a dramatic girl. I thought she'd be back by now."

"I can't believe you mom."   

Lucy ends the call in a hurry and rushes out of the station to find her baby sister.
Her mind went places. She thought of every bad possibility that could happen. The older sister knew the mother's lack of pride in anything her daughters did. Her mom was never proud of anything Lucy did, and it was the same for Florence. She drove around for a while getting anxious by the second.

How could my mom be so insensitive? She knows how much Flo struggles with academics and how hard she tries. I've seen Flo push herself to the edge literally. I make a turn and head towards my apartment hoping she'll be there. Luckily for me, she was there sitting outside the door of my apartment. I thank God and run to her.

"Where have you been Flo? Mom said you ran out. I've been worried about you. Why didn't you just call me? I would've picked you up. Are you hurt?"

Her eyes her puffy and she looks like she's been crying for a while. She gets teary-eyed.

"I- I'm sorry Lucy. I um my phone died. Please don't be mad at me."

"Hey, it's okay I'm not mad at you".

I hug her tightly. We stand there for a while before she pulls back.

"I don't have my key with me right now, do you have yours?"


"Alright, listen come with me to the station. I only have some work left to do, once it's over come back with me. Don't go home tonight. Do you want to tell me what happened?"

"Yeah sure"

"Okay, let's sit in the car. Come on let's go."

"I failed my English paper and the teacher announced it in front of the whole class. No one laughed or said anything, but I felt humiliated. I know I didn't study, but still, he shouldn't have said it in front of everyone. Then when I got home and told Mom, she said I was useless and could never do anything right. So, I just ran away."

"Oh, honey I'm so sorry. That was insensitive of your teacher to say it out loud in front of everyone. And remember,  you're not useless okay? I see how hard you try to study. I know it's hard to not get affected by Mom's words, but please know that I'm here for you. I love you, Flo".

"I love you too Lucy. Thank you".

She engulfs me in a hug. She let's go and then we drive to the station.

I take her back to the station and sit with her in the break room. She looks exhausted. She refuses to eat, so we just sit in silence. She falls asleep. Sergeant Grey walks in to ask me where I've been. I apologise to him and tell him. He understands and leaves the room. I contemplate whether I should leave her alone or not when Nyla walks in. I asked her if she could look after Florence while I came back. She agrees and I thank her before leaving to finish my work. I inform our mother that I found her and that she's safe.

I finish my work for the day and head to the locker room to get changed. I go to the break room to see Nyla still sitting in the room. I thank her for looking after my sister and she leaves the room.

"Wake up, Flo it's time to go home."

She wakes up and we leave for home. I've been wanting to ask her to come stay with me permanently. But I'm not sure Mom would allow it and I don't know if Flo would want that.

"Flo, would you like to stay with me for a few days?"

"I'd love that!"

"Okay then, let's go! What do you want for dinner?"


"Sounds good, I'll tell Mom you're staying with me."

We both head home and have dinner. Florence falls soon asleep. She looks so peaceful while sleeping. Hope, she'll stay with me permanently. Fingers crossed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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