Chapter 2

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Earlier that day Thomas had woken everyone up to get ready. I laid in the tent for a moment processing the sunlight. When I got out the tent only Conner was there. "They're taking a bathroom trip." Conner answered while he read my questioned face. He looked so handsome at the moment I couldn't help but drool. "Oh." I managed to get out. "How was your sleep? You seem to be stuck in a dream." Conner chuckled. He always said the right thing. I smiled. "My sleep was average. Dream was forgettable. What about you?" I asked Conner hoping he'd smile again. God I loved his beautiful smile. "You know the usual." He smiled again. We ended our conversation with a simple "good." I packed the tent up while he gathered up the rest. It seemed like the others were gone for so long, but later they returned. We then finished packing up and we set out. Thomas was in the front and me and Conner were in the back. The two others in the middle since the were younger. We scouted a house or two and kept moving. We headed north towards Washington. Luckily we had a map and a compass which was something a lot of groups didn't have. We eventually came to a stopping point. "Thomas? Why are we stopped?" I asked worried. He turned around and faced us all. "We need to split up and then meet back up later. There is a huge open field which means people are surrounding it. We need to avoid the field." He then pulled out his map and compass. He looked carefully and ran is finger over the paper multiple times. He looked up. "I will stay with Bri and Logan since they have less survival skills than you two. Conner and Tori I need you to stay together. Tori you listen and provide food. I know you can hunt. Conner don't get lost please. You guys will take that path to the train tracks. There should be another path, but beware most people go to the train tracks. Zombie wise you know what to do." He motioned for us to leave and he headed another direction. "Where will we meet?" I asked Conner. He turned and faced me "We will meet at the White House most likely if we are heading the direction. We think a lot of people go there but we don't know for sure. We will meet in the back or at the nearest white building." He saw my worried look and stepped closer. He looked me in the eye and took a strand of hair out of my face. He hugged me warmly and I hugged him back. He was so sweet sometimes I couldn't help but smile. We Wales side by side for a while barely talking. We wanted to be completely aware. Later on we took out what Thomas let us keep and we ate half a can of mixed fruit. Thomas had given us a few cans of food, sleeping gear, and 1 sleeping bag. Not much but he knew we were capable. I was just shocked that we had to share 1 sleeping bag. Why did he split the groups up like this to? What ever the reason things would never be the same. I had been so busy in my daydreaming and questions that I didn't hear the zombies. Conner pulled out his machete and got my attention. I grabbed my daggers and looked for the sound. I couldn't spot a zombie so we went further in the forest in our ready position. A few zombies came out from behind us. Conner to one swing to a head and ended up taking of three. He cleaned the blood of his sword and we proceeded to the railroad. Yes, this was our normal. It started to get dark and Conner looked worried. Was he scared to have to share a sleeping bag with me? Was he scared the we had no tent? We looked for anything so no one would have to take shifts. We found a ditch, so Conner set it up and said he would take first shift. "Just wake me up for mine." I giggled and he nodded in agreement. I got under in the sleeping bag and forced myself to sleep. Later I got a little nudge and we traded shifts. All I could think was how close we were going to get.

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