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I found myself standing before the senior authorities of the hospital, stunned by the serious accusations leveled against me. Nurses and fellow doctors had apparently reported that I performed surgeries while under the influence of alcohol.

Throughout my entire career, I have always adhered strictly to professional standards, never compromising patient safety. I take my responsibilities as a surgeon with the utmost seriousness, and I have never consumed alcohol when I knew I had surgery scheduled the next day. Even my friends, fully aware of the demands of my profession, have never pressured me to engage in such behavior.

"Dr. Chirag, you performed surgery on the patient while you were drunk, and your assistant doctor has lodged a complaint. The rest of the staff is remaining silent because you are the son of the hospital owner," Manish Salariya, a shareholder of the hospital, spoke in an angry tone.

"Sir, I wasn't drunk. You can ask my girlfriend," I responded confidently.

"Fine, your confident tone is irritating me," Mrs. Aparna Salariya interjected, causing me to roll my eyes in frustration.

"So, you were with your girlfriend, right? Call her," Mrs. Aparna Salariya instructed. I took out my cell phone and was about to leave when she added, "Call her in front of everyone and keep it on speaker."

I complied with her request, feeling the weight of the situation.


|Prakriti Thakre, Chirag's girlfriend|

"Damn it, babe, you did a great job," I said, hugging Arush from behind.

|Arush Kushwaha, Chirag's rival Doctor, basically a good-for-nothing doctor|

"What, you think I'm going to let him off like this?" Arush responded, rubbing my hand.

We were enjoying our conversation when I received a call from Chirag.

"Damn, why is this bastard calling me?" I muttered, glancing at Arush.

"Pick up the call and pretend you're sleeping," Arush suggested, and I answered.

"Yes, babe. Why did you call me so early in the morning?" I said, feigning a

"Yes, babe. Why did you call me so early in the morning?" I said, feigning a sleepy voice.

"Prakriti, I'm in front of the hospital authorities. They want to know where I was last night," Chirag asked, and I exchanged a smirk with Arush.

"Respected Higher Authorities, we were together. We went on a long drive, danced, and had a few drinks. Then Chirag got a call from the hospital that surgery was about to start, so he left," I replied, feeling Arush massaging my leg and feeding me grapes.

"Prakriti, why are you telling lies? I never got drunk," Chirag pleaded, but it didn't affect me at all. I ended the call.

"Baby, you did a great job. Break his heart completely so he goes crazy, like those who've been betrayed in love," Arush suggested.

I pulled him towards me and kissed him passionately.


"So what do you have to say after your girlfriend's statement?" Mrs. Salariya's voice cut through the tension in the room.

"Ma'am, I have another piece of evidence to support my innocence," I replied, meeting her gaze head-on. "Dr. Salariya here was the one who explained to me the crucial points of the surgery."

TANGLED DESTINY (Shades of Destiny Series:2)Where stories live. Discover now