New guy ✓ Leo from American Exit✓

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A/n : i haven't updated in soooo long . So so sorry
Here's a long one

"So there's this one guy in my art class , Matthew , Theo ... Something like that . I kinda developed a tiny crush on him . Idk . He looks nice and his perfume is really stuck in my head honestly . He's handsome , like really handsome , there's something about him i didn't figure out yet . Usually handsome guys are like so narcissistic and have so much ego that it because discussing , but he isn't . He's so down to earth you know what i mean ." I said playing with a string of hair starting at the roof, replaying that scene of him this morning .
" I know y/n , you keep telling me about him , at least 6 times this morning . Also it's Leo , he's new and every single girl in school has a crush on him so you literally have like , 0 chances at this . Even Heather from biology was talking about him today ." My best friend said .
"Well he is eye catching for sure "
"And too handsome , listen girl :all i'm trying to say is that he's not good for you , why would mr perfect move into this shit hole in the middle of the year ? He probably got suspended from his other school for doing something , so pleassse don't put so luch hope on him " she warned
" I'm not , i'm just telling you , you're my bestie , who else am i supposed to tell ? " I made a puppy face to her .  She sighed " i don't know anything anymore , he's suspicious , and tooo handsome to be good . Guys like that are usually fuckboys . "
I gasped " you think ?" After all she knows more about boys than i do . "Trust me , pretty man are no good " i turned around to face her " what if he's nice ? Being pretty doesn't mean you're a bad person . Look at me for example , i'm pretty and the nicest person you could ever meet." I laughed and she threw a pillow at me . " Well maybe , but we can't decide anything about him right now , just please do us all a favour and don't say anything embarrassing in front of him " "No way , i'm not that stupid " "whatever i need to leave , before my dad notices " " Yeah sure , you better go " i said and she climbed out the window .
I opened it slowly letting the air through the thin fabric of my clothes , missing his sweet smile

Fashback: yesterday morning , biology class
He sat next to me staring at the textbooks infront of him . How could someone be so pretty ? I rested my chin into my palm as i stared at him . Wtf is wrong with me ? I'm acting like a 13 year old . This is no good . I'm scared i'll develop an obsession of him . I shouldn't be thinking about him that much . He's just a boy . And boys are stupid and horny all the time . I should find myself a girlfriend instead ... I sighed and laid my head on the table . The professer was talking but i wasn't paying any attention . I just laid there ...

Then the bell ringed.  Ugh finally ! I gathered my stuff and left hurrying to my car . Well , my dad's car . He let's me drive when he's not taking it to work . I put my bag in the passenger seat and got comfortable in the driver's seat , fixing my bangs in the mirror infront of me . That's when i heard a loud horn from the car behind me . I gasped scared . This b!tch ! I lowered my window to yell at whoever disturbed my peace . I don't care if i start a fight rn . This day has been sh!tty enough !
" I swear to god if you blow that horn one more time , i will ..." That's when i found him in my face . I freezed and turned tomato red .
" Easy darling i've been tryna move too " he laughed warmly . My anger left my body that very second .
" Yeah...It's usually crowded in here after school ..."
" I see " he took a quick look at the line of the cars infront of us " i'm Leo , from biology class "
" Y/n " i shook his hand
" Cute name , suits you " he smiled
" Thanks " i blushed even more . I took a deep breath gathering my courage to keep the conversation going " you're new ?"
" Yeah , i moved from X , my parent works here now so we moved in "
" Cool " i nodded awkwardly  . Damn i'm so bad at small talk . I hit my forehead  mentally .
" Well i better go , the cars are moving see you around " he walked away quickly .
That did NOT just happen .

Back to present
The air from my open window freezed my bones . But i couldn't care less . My mind was functioning too hard to notice.  I like him  . a lot . A lot to be thinking about him this much . He's got every girl from school wrapped around his finger . He's cool and mysterious and charming.

I'm going crazy . I need to get him out of my head . As quick as possible .
831 words
Should we do part 2 ?
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Yours truly 🌁☄️ ( levi miller character preference one shots)Where stories live. Discover now