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Dr. Zuzana Novakova checked the readings on the device and smiled. She had done it. She had found a new reality to explore. A reality where the Lower Paleolithic never existed. A reality where humans never evolved from their ape-like ancestors. A reality where Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia and her home city, was a wild and unspoiled land.

She turned to her team and announced the news. "We have a match, people. We have a destination. Are you ready to see a world without humans?"

The team consisted of four other scientists, each with their own expertise and personality. Dr. Martin Kolar, the engineer and her second-in-command, nodded with a cautious expression. He was always worried about the risks and dangers of their travels, but he trusted Zuzana's judgment and followed her lead. He also harbored a secret crush on her, but he never dared to reveal it. Dr. Lucia Horvathova, the biologist and the medic, clapped her hands with excitement. She was eager to see the diversity of life forms and ecosystems in different realities, and to collect samples and conduct experiments. She was also the most caring and friendly member of the team, always looking after their health and well-being. Dr. Tomas Varga, the historian and the linguist, grinned with curiosity. He was fascinated by the cultural and historical aspects of the alternate realities, and he tried to communicate and interact with the inhabitants of those worlds, if possible. He was also the one who documented and recorded their findings and experiences, and he wrote a blog about their adventures. Dr. Eva Kovacova, the psychologist and the strategist, raised her eyebrows with skepticism. She was skilled in analyzing and predicting the behavior and motivations of the people and creatures they encountered in different realities, and she helped the team to avoid or resolve any conflicts or dangers they might face. She was also the one who planned and organized their missions, and she made sure they had clear objectives and contingency plans. She was the most serious and assertive member of the team, often clashing with Zuzana's impulsive and visionary style.

The team gathered their equipment and put on their protective suits. They entered the portal chamber, where the device was located. The device was a large metal sphere, with wires and cables attached to it. It was Zuzana's invention, the result of years of research and experimentation. It was a device that could create wormholes between different realities, allowing them to travel to parallel worlds. It was a device that could change the course of history and science. It was a device that could change their lives.

Zuzana activated the device and set the coordinates for the target reality. A bright blue light filled the chamber, and a circular opening appeared in front of them. It was the portal, the gateway to another world. Zuzana stepped forward and entered the portal, followed by the rest of the team. They felt a brief sensation of weightlessness and disorientation, and then they emerged on the other side. They had arrived.

They found themselves in a forest, surrounded by trees and plants. The air was fresh and clean, and the sun was shining. They could hear the sounds of birds and animals, but no signs of human activity. They checked their scanners and confirmed that they were in Bratislava, or at least where Bratislava should be. But there was no city, no buildings, no roads, no bridges, no monuments, no people. There was only nature.

"Wow, this is amazing," Lucia said, as she scanned the flora and fauna with her device. "The biodiversity here is incredible. There are so many species that are extinct or endangered in our reality. And some that I've never seen before. Look at that bird, it's beautiful."

She pointed at a large and colorful bird, with a long tail and a crest on its head. It was perched on a branch, singing a melodious song.

"That's a peacock," Tomas said, as he recorded the bird with his camera. "But not the kind we know. This is a wild peacock, a descendant of the original peacock that lived in Asia. It must have migrated here when the climate changed. It's amazing how different the history of this world is. Without humans, the natural balance was preserved, and the animals and plants thrived."

The Portal: SlovakiaWhere stories live. Discover now