Hogwarts reunion (edited)

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Hermione pov

Draco and I woke up with light taps to the window " I swear if that bird doesn't stop pecking, it will break the window," Draco mumbled, standing up to retrieve whatever it would be and started reading what was in the parchment his eyes became wide " What's wrong, Love?" I said to him, "Ummm, I just got a Hogwarts reunion letter" He said with a surprised look and handed me the letter.

Dear Mr Malfoy,

You are invited to the yearly Hogwarts reunion for defeating the dark lord Girlfriend, boyfriend, fiancee, or spouse and, if children, as there is a babysitting area or bring them into the reunion, the reunion date is on the 25th of May.

Headmistress Minerva McGonagall

I froze a reunion at Hogwarts. What was I going to do? Was I supposed to attend to wait............where's was my letter. Suddenly, I feel Draco massaging my back. I start taking deep breaths in and out. I snap out of the trance when I hear Scorp's cries quickly rise from the bed and go to his room. I pick him up and start to mutter sweet things. Feeling Draco behind me, his arms around my stomach, " Do you want to go, babe? We don't have to if you don't want to." Draco whispers into my ear. I think about it while looking at my son, who looks exactly like his father but has my eyes. I love him more each day. I see Scorp is asleep and slowly put him back in bed.

Once I left the room, I heard a quiet pecking sound from my bedroom window. I saw a snowy white owl on the window sill. Opening the window, I grabbed the small piece of parchment around its leg and read it.

Dear Ms Hermione Granger (or your new surname),

We are inviting you to the yearly Hogwarts reunion for defeating the Dark Lord. Hermione, you bring your boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse. If you have children, you can put them in the babysitting area or take them to the reunion. The reunion will have a speech done by you, Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley in events to defeating the dark lord. The reunion is on the 25th of May.

Headmistress Minerva McGonagall

Ps. Everyone would love for you to come if you see this letter come to my office. I would love to hear how you are doing whenever you see this.

I sigh, sitting on my bed. I guess we should really go. I do really miss Harry. We haven't seen each other since we moved to America.

"Draco, honey, we are going to a reunion day for two days. Clear your schedule", I say as he enters our room "Alright, honey".

Today is the day of the reunion. Draco takes Scorp to the babysitting area and heads to the reunion without me. I stop by McGonagall's office. Then, came in late into the hall. Near the end, when the dances were going to happen, he would swipe me into a dance, and since Scorp is such a bright child, we told him the plan and pretended not to know me.

Once Draco left, I put on my dress so I could surprise him with my dress skin-tight-sleeved black dress that exposed my back

Once I finished, I apparated to the headmaster's office. I saw McGonagall sitting in a chair, looking through some old books " Hey", I said quickly, McGonagall looked up and was shocked. Well, I expected that after being missing for quite a few years. "Hermione, how lovely is it to see you. I am so happy you came. How are you?" She said after a few moments, "I'm doing great. I'll see you later, I have a reunion to get to bye", I said, leaving her office " Goodbye, I hope to see you more often", she shouted "Of course" I quipped back.

I open the New great hall door as the old one has become a museum of those who had fallen in the war. Unluckily for me, lots of started staring. I hear abbreviations of "she alive" and "I thought she was dead" I just ignore them and glance around the room to see Harry and Ginny talking with others. I can see Draco in the corner of my eye smirking while talking to Blaise. I ignore it and tap Ginny's shoulder "Hi Ginny," I say calmly. She quickly turns around and looks shocked for a moment before grabbing me in a tight hug that could challenge Mrs Weasley's "HERMIONE" This draws everyone's attention to us now some look at me in shock "Ginny let go I want to say hi to the others to" she slowly let's go and checks me out "dang Hermione if I wasn't married to Harry, I'll date you," said she in a teasing tone, Harry makes an offended scoff "Hey 'Mione," he says pulling me into a big hug.

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