The Last Day of the rest of your life

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"Just one more turn up here", said the tiny elf. As soon as Carina wiggled around the corner she ran into Mippy. "Missus Malfoy I am so sorry please forgive me I promise..." the elf stammered out apologies as Carina raised her hand. "It's okay Mip, and again, you don't have to call me "missus", I'm not a fan of the title or the last name. If you must call me something, refer to me Cari or extra." They tumbled out of the portrait hole into Narscissas office.

"Come quietly my dear," her mother quipped, "it is a very important day, the day you will meet the Dark Lord. I must prepare you for what you may or may not face". Carina looked down at her feet. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't live up to the last name. She'd learned Latin, French, Greek, and Spanish before age 9 but she'd never be smart enough. She surpassed Draco in all subject save for charms but was punished for not being the best. She was the "extra" child after all. The one Lucius did not want, but the one Draco loved the most. On more occasions than one Draco had offered to take her punishment for her. He stopped offering when he realized that him trying taking her place only resulted in more punishment for her. "Mother," she finally spoke, "what will tonight entail?" "It is merely a chance for you and Draco to meet the Dark Lord", she paused, "and you will be on your best behavior." Narcissa dragged on for the next hour reminding her of how to address others, table etiquette, and pureblood customs. Things Carina already knew. Things that had been drilled into her as soon as she took her first breath.

She left her mothers office and returned to her chambers. Waiting for her brother to return from his meeting with their father. She fiddled with her suitcase. Packed and ready for the return trip to Hogwarts after break. Oh how she missed the old school. At home she had her brother. And that was it. Her twin knew her heart as good as his own, but a world with only two people could grow lonely. She ached to reunite with her "wretched ragtag group of friends" as her father called them. Suddenly a knock on the door disturbed her thoughts. "Come in", she said knowing who was already at the door. Two soft knocks was always her mother. Three loud knocks was always her father. The louder the knocks the more angry he was. Four hurried knocks was her brother. Any other combination could be any number of people.

"There's my wondrous sister", said draco as he entered. "How was mother?" "Her usually cheery self. Not stressed at all, told me she loved me, didn't lecture me, oh and she said she's getting us the hell out of this manor." Draco broke into a grin. Carina tossed a pillow at him, "It's not funny Drac, I'm dreading this evening." "It'll be over quicker than you think, I imagine he'll just crucio us a few times. Maybe avada a house elf or two then be on his way" he chuckled, "Nagini will need supper after all".  Another pillow went flying. "Just remember to occlude please. The last thing we need if for him to find out about our situation. He'd murder them both in front of us." Draco nodded and walked silently out of the room.

Carina didn't mean to make her brother leave it was just a stressful time. At 15 she should be worried about boys, friends, exams, and if her favorite jumper was packed into her trunk. Not if the megalomaniac coming into her home would torture her or not. She threw herself onto the bed and covered her face with a pillow. "I do not think you can smother yourself to death. Do you need my assistance?" Carina grabbed another pillow and threw it in the direction of the voice. "Ugh, eyes covered and you still can't miss. I'm really so happy you are the girl I'm courting." She sat up in the bed and stared down her bestfriend. Theodore Nott. "Theo, stop saying that! If we both pretend it doesn't exist then it doesn't exist. You can go on about pining over Weasly number 6 and I'll pine about mine and we'll both just suffer into oblivion." Nott Sr. had missed the "I'm gay and in love with a ginger" meeting with his son. He had been petitioning for a Nott and Malfoy marriage since Carina was born. If only he knew it was her brother Theo was more likely to be in love with. He would've had a stroke. The laid down on the bed next to her and grabbed her hand. "Cari, we'll find a way through this. Even if we have runaway. We'll make it through." "Oh like any other country would allow our band of snakes and lions through their borders".  He sighed and glanced over at her. "I'm thinking my company may be appreciated next door instead of here." He dropped her hand and rose from the bed. "Theo, please. I don't mean to be rude but if he gets into my head. If he sees them. He'll kill me. He'll kill Draco. He'll kill you. He'll kill everyone I love. I just I can't right now. And please tell Draco I'm sorry. He'll understand what about." Theo nodded and offered a sad smile as acceptance of her apology, "like I said, we'll find a way to be okay". With that he walked out of the door and left Carina alone to her thoughts.

As the clock stuck half last five Carina walked into her bathroom. She examined her face in the mirror. She looked like her mother, but somehow the features on her were plain. Her hair was pin straight and black except for two streaks of white on either side of her head. It was often joked about by their father that somehow only Draco was his child and that Carina was someone else's. Never mind the fact that the healer even confirmed paternity at their birth. She would always be a joke to her father. Carina slipped into her formal dinner wear dress charmed her hair back and waited on 6:30 to arrive. Or more accurately wait on her death to arrive.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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