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Calro was what you would think of a normal 18 year old except just add mafia to it. He wasn't like his parents, who killed others just for fame. He had enough of that leftover from his parents. He was somewhat of a good boy just the 1 or 2 or 20 occasional agreements and gunpoint things daily, but other than that hes a good boy.

Now lets talk about Emma she is what you actually think about when someone says 17 year old girl. She has a messy room not so messy car and she survives on Starbucks and her dog. She could give a shit about boys. She was just a few years away from college she needed to focus on getting a scholarship because there was no way she was going to pay for tuition. Emma is starting a new school she had a little problem at her old school. She may have broken the toilet trying to flush the evidence of her cheating not realizing it was already partially cloged from whatever the last person put in there. So she was now named shit face...because well she had shit on her face not very pleasant. So now she is at a new school with her Irish wolfhound in the back of the car honking at the person in front of her in the Starbucks line.

"Move it dickhead!" Emma yells at them

"Shut up!" Someone yells back.

Emma rolls her eyes.

"Thanks" emma says as she is handed her Frappuccino.

She drives off to her new apartment and then off to school. She gets to the apartment and sees a door partially open across from her.

"Not creepy at all..." she says not looking back to see if someone is there

Emma drops everything off and grabs her keys and gets going to school. She drives for about 10 minutes and pulls into the front of the school where she is greeted by a black haired boy who looks very scrawny.

"Whats up? You new here?" He says in his deep voice

"Im good and yes Im new here" she was so tempted to respond to 'whats up' with 'the sky'.

"My name is Max" he says when someone pushes him

"Yo whos the chick?" The other boy says

"Whos askin?" She asks trying to sound tough

"I am" he says as emma looks down in defeat

"This is my brother-" max starts to say before the boy cuts him off

"Im not your brother your parents are fostering me. Oh and Im Carlo by the way" the boy says

"Your not living on your own? Damn my parents kicked me out of the house as soon as I could drive" emma says

"Hm that's funn-" carlo starts to say when there is a punch straight for him and he doges it and it lands right on my nose breaking it

"Ow fuck!" She yells and max tries to help me but Emma pushes him away and look up to see a boy with blonde hair with my blood on his hand so she knows he was the one who threw the punch. Emma tackles him when she feels two pairs of very strong hands grab her when she looks back she sees carlo

"Common lets get you cleaned up and we could skip school" carlo says

"But I need to get into college" Emma says

"You have a broken nose and you have the rest of the year"

That did make sense. I nod and I see him walking twards a motorcycle.

"Here ill drive you. It probably wouldn't be smart having you in pain while driving" he says and I nod getting on.

What am I doing my mom taught me better than to get onto a motorcycle with a boy I just met. But I already committed so well just have to do it. As carlo speeds up I grab his waist and I dont know what happened but he pulled over at a random warehouse and told me to wait. My anxiety was so bad until carlo came out but he had a cut on his face.

"What happen-" before I could finmy sentence he started driving as I heard a loud boom behind us and I felt something wet on my back. Oh my gosh did I get shot?! I touch my back and see blood but it wasnt from me there wasnt a wound. It was another persons blood. But whos and why. Carlo pulled into my apartment complex and went into the apartment across from mine. I didn't say anything about how mine was the other one because he didn't need to know where I live.

"Here let me get that cleaned up" carlo says

"Ok." I wince as he cleans it with alcohol. I reach up and touch the cut on his face. Carlo fliches but doesn't move my hand.

"I never did catch your name" carlo says

"Oh its emma"

"Well emma can you be my fake girlfriend you dont have to have sex or anything like that just I need to have one for this thing in the ma-mamaraca club...yea that club." Carlo says.

"Uh I dont do fa-"

"Ill buy you Starbucks every morning and no one will hurt you again"


Carlo nods and sits on the couch until max opens the door and maxes mom and dad walk in. Oh boy this is going to be akward

The Fake BoyfriendNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ