Preorder Available💙

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Yes, you read it correct. It's happening. (I just pinched myself to be 100% certain) The story of Heath and Hope is coming to you. Where do I even begin? I'll keep it short I promise.

For months I was brainstorming for ideas for the title. I knew I didn't want it to remain 'Heath' and there are two reasons for that. One, it's the story of both Heath and Hope as individuals and together. Second, I wanted to add a new twist to it to mark the new beginning.

The first book in the Bellmare High series is Collided, because that's how they met. Those of you who've read the old version know. If you solved the word search game I sent in my last newsletter you knew when it was coming out, but now you have a final date.

Collided releases September 7, 2024

I can't tell you how excited, happy, nervous and scared I am. It's my debut novel and I want it to be good. I will give it my best.

The links to the preorder on Amazon, and Goodreads are available on the link on my profile!

This makes everything official and I can't wait to share more news in the future. Thanks for your support and love. I adore you guys! Wattpad was where I started. You guys changed my life. I found people who care about my stories. There's nothing greater than that for an author. From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for everything. I hope you show Heath and Hope the love when their book was here. For me getting it published is such a big thing. Becoming an author wasn't something I thought I'd do, but in the past few years it's become the only thing I want to do.

For me every read counts, likewise every pre-order will make my day! Follow me on Instagram and sign up to my newsletter to keep up with everything. I've got a lot planned.

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