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Vanesa POV 》》

"You shouldn't be here after what you've done" She announced.

"That was 7 years ago Señora. I don't understand why you are still living in the past"

"You almost ruined his future"

"But I didn't, I was trying to save him the future that you wanted him to have. A pretty shitty future that he told me about"

"Don't cuss, I am the elderly so respect me. I wanted him to have that because it's better for him and his family that he already has! Being a futbolista (footballer) can injury him serverely or worse"

"I just want to see him before I..." I stopped. I didn't want to tell her. I don't trust her.

"Before what niña? Before you die because that hijueputa job you got just to save the country that cannot be saved. I was trying to save you too niña"

"You weren't trying to save me! You were trying to send me away! You were trying to get me in trouble. You were making them hate me so they can be with each other!.. You were the one who did all this! Bruja fea!" I spit out.

"So you now. Ha, not even he figured that out. Daniela is good at keep our secrets to her cristian husband. The one who is paying all my medical bills and pills so I can live longer. I can predicted the future you know? That's why I wanted them together" She cracked a laugh.

"Can you predicted that I'll tell him? I scoffed.

"I predicted that you'll never see him again because you won't live niña" She smiled.

I was tired of her and her fucking witchcraft. I wanted to see James. I needed to see him before something happens to me

"If you won't let me see him I'll shout his name out" I curled my fist.

"Do it and I'll make sure the last thing you'll say is 'Forgive me' and I won't regret my actions"

"I don't care. I just want to see him" I yelled.

"If you do that, I'll make sure his blood will be on your hands until the day I'll finally decide to have your blood on my life"

"You wouldn't kill your granddaughter's father" I reproched.

"You don't know me well niña. Get out before something happens to him" She spit at my face and slammed the door shut.

I turned around and wiped the spit and tears of my face. I slowly walked towards my blue Toyata car. I wanted to see him just one last time. I wanted to say I'm sorry for what I've done. Sorry for running away when I should of been there with him.

I started the ignition and sped of to my last 3 days in Colombia. A country which can be saved. By me.


"Hola, I'm Vanesa and your name?"

"I'm James" He whispered.

I giggled. Knowing that the girl should be the one who's shy not a 15 year old guy.

"What?" He smiled.

"Nothing. Just thinking" I continued to giggle.

He just stared at me. He looked confused so I tried to change the subject.

"So it's your first time in a boarding school?" I sat across from him at a desk.

"Sí, I came here because I heard they had a great fútbol team" He relaxed his shoulders a bit.

"You just came here for a fútbol team?" I laughed.

"Well, sort of. What about you?"

"I came here to help me get my future career much more easily and because the fútbol team too" I smiled.

"What do you want be then?" He said with a louder voice.

"I want to be a lawyer but I don't what kind yet. But also like an undercover spy who can help the world, maybe Colombia first. Then when I'm finished my job I want to travel" I smiled and he just laughed.

"An undercover spy? Interesante. Well, I want to b-"

"I know, I know. A futbolista. Am I right?" I cut him off.

"Yes, you're right"

"I know I am" We both laughed until the class had started.

The day that I knew what I was actually going to be. The day that I knew we were going to be close.


Hoped you liked the chapter. Any questions? Any mistakes that I can fix? I'm sorry but english is not my first language haha... I don't know what else to say so Chao for now :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2015 ⏰

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