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Same time at yueliang's gang

Nex : why didn't you allow me to bully him? You suddenly forget the purpose we came for?

Yueliang : from now on he is my are not allowed to bully him.

Raga : today morning only someone said there were only two did it become three?

Jai : raga,you misunderstood... Yueliang didn't think him as brother...maybe more than that.

Yueliang : ......

Nex : is it true?

Yueliang : not like that... I'm just interested in him...

Jai : wooh...

        That day evening after college finished,taiyo and tsuki walking out of the college by chit-chating

Taiyo : my shop is near only. I will go by myself...your brother will be waiting for you,go now.

Tsuki : your shop?

Taiyo : yes! That shop was running by my sister...we don't have parents and she is not well at studies so she dropped studing and put a small bakery shop with our house for our daily needs and my college fees.

Tsuki : oh, it's good. I'm feeling hungry, let's go and eat.

Taiyo : your wish.

          Taiyo and tsuki go to her sister's shop when they arrived her shop, her sister was fighting with a man.

Man : I increased the rent to this must give me 7000 rupees....

Hoshi : it's a very small house and we only agreed to 5000 rupees...but you are increasing little by little. It's unfair!

Man : if you can't pay it,leave this place or sell yourself!

     The man tried to touch hoshi, suddenly a punch came to his face and he start to bleed. It is tsuki.

Tsuki : don't you know how to respect girls?

Man : am I look like fool to rent in such small amount?

Hoshi : am I look like fool to give high price to such small house?

Man : you!

         The man get angry. Hoshi hide behind and shouted against. They two argued continuously. Tsuki and taiyo lost their calmness.

Man : I want more than 5000 rupees!

Tsuki : stop! You also don't want,her also don't want! Let's keep it as 6000 rupees!

Man : .....

Tsuki : 6000 rupees only,not more than that!

       Tsuki changed his voice into terror. So the man agreed and gone.

Hoshi : so much thanks to you.

          Hoshi was taiyo's elder sister(20) with pink hair and small thin body with chubby cute face.

Tsuki : don't worry I can give you the extra 1000 rupees.

Hoshi : no need! I don't want to bother you. You redused me itself a great help.

Taiyo : sister, can we go inside and talk?

Hoshi : surely...please come in.

            They all sit in a table and hoshi served her hot spongy cakes with juice.

Taiyo : sister, I forget to introduce you to him... This is my new friend from the college, name tsuki.

Tsuki : can I know why you didn't calling her by name?

Taiyo : because she is my elder sister! One year greater than us....

Tsuki : oh...she looks younger than I know your name? Cause I don't want to call you as sister....

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