Chapter-2 How is this possible?

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Play "Truth Untold" by BTS

The sound of rain can be heard now hitting the windows slightly, along with the faint music of Truth Untold in the background.

Yes, Shirin still hasn't stopped the music yet, she is too busy staring at the two tall extremely handsome men, very recognizable men, in front of her.

"Oh My God, they can't be"

That's all she could whisper to herself, inaudible to others but her expressions spoke it loud enough to both men who clearly are used to such reactions from their fans.

"But, how is this possible?"

Just then her father's voice reaches her and a realization hits her she is in her nightwear and a fucking nose mask, that was making both men giggle softly. While the one with the cap was composing himself well, the younger one couldn't hide his bunny smile well even behind his mask.

And just like a bolt she rushes into her room, pushing her father out softly to change. All she could do was hold her breath and with her hand witnessing her chest movements, then pinching her arms slightly to break herself out of reality.

She was breathing fast, eyes gouged out, brain numb hands hovering over her mouth, leaning over her door with shock to her system.

"This can't be happening, how can this be real? You are dreaming of this, you obsessed woman, clearly you have gone delulu".

But she could still hear her father talking to them. And the realization train was trying to park in her head slowly while her limbs moved at much faster pace- trying to shove her clothes inside swiftly, entering the bathroom checking her face, she removed the blackhead mask quickly. Apparently too quickly, resulting in her pain in a yelp.

Once her face is presentable enough she moves to change.

"A dress or jeans with a top, what should I wear?"

"Are you an idiot, who wears all this in the middle of night, you want to look like a weirdo?"

"Yes, track pants with a loose t-shirt, a BTS t-shirt?" she muttered day dreamingly.

"Yeah, why don't you write- Obsessed Army, on your forehead as well".

She was a mess, I mean who wouldn't be, if HOT, Cute, Gorgeous, Most Desirable men in the world end up in your house in the middle of the night, did I mention Hotttt?

After putting on a plain white loose t-shirt and blue track pants, that made her look cute, combing her hair neatly and applying a bit of lip balm she finally steps out cautiously.

Cautiously? More like a peeping weirdo 😜

'Shut up' she screamed aloud in her head, to her own conscience.

Stepping out, she was standing like a good kid does in school, hands joined in the back, with a nice person smile,while scanning the two men.

'Is it really them?' She thought

'Is she scanning us, hasn't she realized who we are by now?' he thought

Just then her father, after scanning her outfit in approval, tells her to come closer, starts to introduce them. "This is my daughter Shirin", to which you smile and bow a bit.


Both men bow courteously "Annyeonghaseyo" relieved she recognised them.

"Hello we are-" before they could say, Shirin completes "BTS" with a growing smile on her face and eyes starting to glisten. Gaining a soft giggle from both of them.

Ding Dong, door bell run and her father excused himself leaving his awestruck daughter with both men.

She was staring at the gorgeous man with dragon eyes, eyes in which she can drown for life happily without lifejacket.

"Hi I am- before he could say, she completes yet again " Namjoon", then slightly facing towards the other male, she says- "Jungkook".

Namjoon was wearing a beige hoodie, denims and a gray overcoat with his usual baseball cap. While JK was in his comfy oversized Fila sweatshirt, track pants and coat all in black with his cute bucket hat.

Both men with a slightly amazed grin look at each other taking their masks off gigging. " You recognised us even with masks on?, So you are an ARMY ."

JK ads "Of course hyung didn't you listen to Pied Piper playing when we entered?" with a grin.

All Shirin could do now was blush so much that her eyes got buried in her plush cheeks , bending her head down in embarrassment. In all the giggles she could notice eyes peeping out from her brother's room. Her 6 years younger brother who worked in another part of India, rarely visited home, but still kept his room proper at his parent's house.

But it wasn't his eyes there, her breath hitches when she sees figures coming out of the room. And just like that it was a miracle she could not have imagined.

"Oh man..."

Author's Note:


Chapter-2 Updated !!!!!!

I can't believe how easy it was to edit, and how fun it is to re-read while doing that 😊

So she finally see who entered her house, with words of her conscience yelling in her eardrums, how did you find that?

You will see more of that later, so gear up.

Alsoooo chapters after this increases in length, so you will love the details and her reactions.

Reactions to what? eyes peeping out of the room ? 🤭

Were you able to guess who the first 2 who entered?

And who else is in the room? Please comment

I will try to set regular time for chapters to be published every consecutive day in the evening or night, because we all know we love to read through the orange app at night 😜

Okay then, I will see you with next update 💜

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