11. She finally woke up

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Tom P.O.V

"Tom you have to come home you can't be whit Adri all the time!" Said my twin.

"I don't care Bill, I'm staying here anyway, I've already done too much damage to her." I said looking at Adrianna and then back at Bill.

"Why do you have to be so stubborn?" Bill asked angrily.

"Because!" I told him.

"Then do what you want. Call me when she woke up." Bill said as he left the room.

"Ok, bye." I said.

"Bye." he said, then closed the door and left.

Adri has been in a coma for almost three weeks now. I've been by her side since she's been in a coma. I never left Adrianna's side unless I had something to do something. In the beginning, the doctors came to Adri every hour. They don't go as often now. They said there was a good chance she would wake up soon.

Bill P.O.V


I got home. I parked my car in front of the house as always. I got out of my car and closed the door. I went to the front door and looked for my keys. I got to the door and put the key in the door and turned it. The door opened and I entered. As soon as I entered, I heard that the TV was on. I quickly took off my shoes and jacket and went to the living room.

"Hello." I said.

"Hi." The others said.

"How is Adri? Did she woke up?" Alice asked.

"No, but I told Tom to call me if she wakes up." I told him.

"Okay," Alice said.

"What are you watching?" I asked.

"After." Liz said.

"What movie is that?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"I don't know, only the girls wanted it except Liz." George said.

"Cool." I said.

"Come watch with us." Molly said.

"Well, it's worth a try." I said and sat between Liz and Gustav. The movie seems romantic, which I don't really like, but if Liz is watching it, I'll watch it all the way through. Anyway, Liz doesn't like romantic movies either. Me, Liz and Tom are more into horror.

Adrianna P.O.V


I woke up in a meadow with a big forest opposite the meadow. I got up. I got to my feet and started walking into the forest. As I entered the forest I felt like I was being watched. I looked to my right and left, but I didn't see anyone. Everywhere there where only trees, bushes and sometimes a flower or two. I made my way along the small path I found when I entered the forest. Going into the forest usually gives people a good feeling, doesn't it? Well, it wasn't like that for me.
I felt like they were watching me and it got stronger with every step I took. Fear started to dominate me. When I got to a small river where there were people. They looked very familiar. When they turned to me, I realized that it was my family. I started running towards them. They opened their arms for a hug. I got there and fell into their arms. Tears fell from my eyes.

"You can't believe how much I've missed you." I told them with tears in my eyes.

"Indeed?" That devilish voice spoke. I opened my eyes and pushed myself away. There was the devil himself, Tom Kaulitz, who made my life miserable. he makes me want to die I want to kill myself because of him, I have panic attacks every night because of him.

"Why are you're here?! You have to be everywhere?!" I asked raising my voice.

"Of course, my sweetheart. I have to be everywhere you are." He said with a big grin on his face.

"Fuck you!" I said in a raised voice, almost shouting. I started running out of the forest. When I was already at the exit of the forest, he suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him. He hugged me tightly but still softly. I don't know why I hugged him back. His soft embrace filled me with warmth and I buried my face in his chest. Suddenly everything went dark.

I opened my eyes. Everything was a blur. I saw someone next to me sitting in a chair and sleeping. I waited until the blurnes disappeared. Then I could finally see the person sitting next to me, I looked and saw that Tom was sleeping peacefully on a chair next to me. How long have he been here?

"Tom." I spoke to him in a low soft voice. He didn't woke up. "Tom." I spoke to him again in a soft voice.

Tom P.O.V

"Tom." I heard a soft voice calling my name. I didn't wake up because I thought I was dreaming. "Tom." That soft voice sounded again. This time I opened my eyes and looked at Adrianna. Her eyes were open and she was looking at me.

"Adri?" I asked in surprise.

"I am still Adrianna or no longer?" She said with a small smile.

"Your still Adrianna." I told her with a little chuckle. "I'm going to call a doctor." I told her and got up from the chair and left the room and looked for a nurse to bring a doctor.


The doctor said everything is fine with Adri. They also said that they would let Adri go home after four or three days. I called Bill to tell him that Adri has woke up.

"Yes?" Bill said finally picking up the phone.

"Hi Bill I just wanted to tell you that Adri woke up." I said in a slightly happy voice.

"Finally, we're there in a minute." Bill said happily.

"Okay bye." I said and hung up the phone. I put it in my pocket and went back to Adri.

"The others will come soon." I told her.

"Okay." She said and turned to the window.


Bill and the others arrived. Tom had to go take care of some things. We laugh a little with Alice, Molly and Liz, and of course we laugh a little with the boys too. They left after an hour. After they left, a nurse came to check on me. Then she left. I got tired and fell asleep.

As I fell asleep, I dreamed again. I woke up in my dream in a forest. I got to my feet again and started on the small road that was in front of me. Once I came to a fork in the road. After some thought, I went left. As I walked it started to looked more and more scary. I wanted to turn back, but I couldn't, so I continued walking on the road. Suddenly, in the distance, I seemed to see a human figure. As I got closer, I saw that he was crouching  next to a lying person. He looked like he was munching on something. As I got even closer, I saw that the girl lying was dead and there was a large pool of blood around her. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. Then the one crouching there stood up and laughed than  turned towards me. He had black shoes, black jeans and a black hoodie with a blue mask on his face from which a black liquid was coming out. And the worst thing was that the dead girl's kidney was in his hand half eaten. We just looked at each other for a while, then he ran off into the woods. I ran to the girl and noticed that one of my friends was Samantha and she was dead. Then everything went dark and I woke up. Gasping for air, I tried to reassure myself that it was just a bad dream and that there was nothing wrong with Samantha. Although I don't even know how she is because I have no contact with my family and friends apart from Alice.

Kidnapped by the devil-Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now