Chapter 1: Meet Carmel and Her Twoleg

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Hello everyone! This is just a one-shot about my cat Carmel and I. It's from her perspective so I hope this story will make you smile! And who knows, it might make you understand me a little bit better. Now, without further ado, let's take flight.

Meet Carmel and Her Twoleg

Hi, my name is Carmel. Nice to meet you. I am a small tortoiseshell cat with black and light brown fur and sharp green eyes. My best friend is my owner, her name is Ruby. Just kidding with you, her name is Hope. Her best friend's name is Ruby, but we're getting off topic here.

Well, you see, my owner is special, and no, I'm saying that she is a miracle child. Oh, haha I should probably start from the beginning, shouldn't I? Yeah, that will be much easier for you guys to understand.

So... it all started with my owner's birth mom giving birth to Hope about approximately 9 months earlier than what is considered normal standards for a Twoleg child. She was born at 1 pound 6 ounces... no joke! And she went down to 13 ounces at one point. She had to have work done on her heart when she was still in her mother's belly, she was born at 24 weeks and she was what Twolegs call a micro-preemie. She was born with a condition called retinopathy of prematurity, wow! That's a mouthful to say, try saying that five times fast. Oh, and she had to have laser surgery done on her eyes to attach something that helps us see, I forgot what it's called, so don't even ask what that is, cause I have no clue.

And only one eye has that whatchamacallit thing attached to it, her left one, she can only see out of the corner of that eye, so when she is using one of those talking light box things to talk with her friends, she has to bring it up about an inch away from her face. Her doctors didn't think that she would be able to walk or hear, she was about to get a feeding tube put in her on the day that her guardians, Jan and Eric came to get her.

That's not all: there's still more I have to tell you. So sit tight and keep your ears perked to listen. She is a very quiet and soft-spoken girl, but despite that, she is one heck of a speedy talker. She didn't start walking until she was at least 3-years-old, she doesn't let anything touch her mouth, she is a very, very, very, picky eater and she is very nice to me, and the other animals that we have in our Twolegs nest.

And when she was about 5, she lost her right eye to an eye condition called glaucoma. And remember, as I said earlier, she had never had any vision in that eye to begin with, so she still has the eye, but it's as small as a raisin and a prosthetic eye is in place to make it look natural to others who meet her. And oh. My. StarClan. The doctor who polishes that eye of hers does such a good job that the eye looks real... like real as in a real eyeball.

I love my Twoleg and nothing will ever change that, I will love her until the very end. After all, I did say that she's a special teenager, didn't I? Well, that's all I have for you at this moment in time. Goodbye everyone and may StarClan light your path and keep you safe during these hard and trying times. 

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