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Everyone ran out of the room and down the hall, back to Branch's room where the door was slightly open.

They ran in and saw the other few survivors already surrounding the screaming boy.

Clay hurried over, "Hey, hey! Give him some space, please!"

Floyd rushed to Branch's side and grabbed his hand, "Hey buddy, hey...what's wrong? Hm? What is it, bud?"

Bruce and JD stood in the doorway quietly with Barb and Riff.

Branch whimpered at Floyd and looked at him.

He tapped his head and Floyd nodded, "A nightmare, huh? That sucks, buddy.."

Barb tilted her head, "He got nightmare from him tapping his head?"

JD and Bruce nodded, "That's how Branch used to communicate before he could talk.." JD said.

Barb looked like she wanted to ask more questions but she was unintentionally cut off by Floyd who kept trying to soothe Branch and figure out what happened.

The Snack Pack just watched them warily, looking ready to intervene and protect Branch at a moments notice.

Floyd sat on the bed beside Branch then layed down with him and pulled the blanket over them, he cuddled Branch just like he used to when he would have a nightmare when he was a baby.

"Tell me about it.."

Branch made many motions with his hands, he made expressions with his face, and sometimes he would lightly kick, hit, pinch, scratch, and even bite Floyd!

But Floyd just nodded, understanding everything that Branch was trying to convey.

"You had a nightmare about Grandma getting eaten, right?" Floyd kissed Branch's forehead, "Well it's okay, baby bro. Your big brothers are here and none of them will leave you ever again."

Branch giggled and cuddled up to Floyd.

Barb and Riff were just shocked at how Floyd got that from what Branch did to him.

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