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Things are getting awkward and hot in the elevator, who knows what will happen next?


No last name either. Kaoru suddenly felt the urge to know.

The elevator was big enough to comfortably share with five other men, yet Eli flopped down right next to him, no sense of personal space. Their legs touched, their arms brushed. The sweet scent of cologne filled Kaoru's nose again. His breath turned quick and shallow.

"Are you going to be ok?" Eli asked, yet not a trace of concern was laced in those words.

"Yeah, you?"

"Oh man, this beats work by a tenfold."

Kaoru grinned, secretly sharing Eli's opinion.

Kaoru yawned and closed his eyes again. Hoped to forget about Eli's presence and sleep to pass the time with this guy he had already come to the conclusion that he hated. His throat was feeling much too dry.

"I got some coffee in my bag."

Eli handed him a thermos, which Kaoru immediately grabbed and took a big gulp of.

"Fuck, that's sweet."

He made a displeased face and handed the thermos back to Eli who (and Kaoru should have expected this) brought his puffy lips to the same spot Kaoru just had his lips on.

Eli took a small sip.

An indirect kiss.

Kaoru felt a little too crammed inside the elevator.

"Mhmm, I like it sweet," Eli purred sounding almost indecent, Kaoru looked away rolling his eyes.

Kaoru kept his gaze strictly on his feet. It was best to keep the conversation to a minimum.

Eli eventually got the hint and pulled out his phone.

"No service in here at all. Plus, my phone's almost dead."

Kaoru's coworker, Ash, always had to whine about something. It was fucking annoying. The tone alone grinded on Kaoru's nerves. Yet with Eli...

Kaoru's brain replayed that disappointed, pouting tone against his will. It was... cute.

A finger poked him in the side of his thigh.

"Let's play a game."

"What game?"

Out of the corner of his eye, Kaoru caught Eli's victorious smirk.

Kaoru didn't know any games. He never had to endure long road trips. He was used to having at least a wine bottle or a deck of cards to entertain someone.

"Uhm. I spy with my little eye something..." Ridiculously blue. Kaoru shifted his gaze away from Eli's eyes. "Grey."

"The elevator door. Different game, there's really not much to look at around here."

"Rock paper scissors?"

Kaoru chose rook. Eli picked paper. His smile brightened when he realized he'd won. His warm palm wrapped around Kaoru's fist. Long, soft fingers grazed Kaoru's skin, making him feel self-conscious of his own calloused fingertips and hastily trimmed nails.

"Paper beats rock. I win!"

They played a few more rounds. Kaoru continued to loose, each time making his anger grow visibly which made Eli chuckle. The laughter when Eli said: "It's like you're trying to loose on purpose".

The massive pout when Kaoru finally did win and wiped that stupid smirk off Eli's face.

"How long have we been in here?"

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