Chapter 16 : Goodbye?

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Muzan POV

I never thought that last night would be the last time I would ever kiss her lips.

I watched Kyoka as she slowly packed her bag with all her belongings, a sad aura loomed in the air like smoke that never cleared.

She hadn't said a word to me since last night. Every time I tried to start a conversation; she suddenly became interested in an object she'd picked up.

I'd hoped that she'd go with Kazuki, but I never thought leaving her would be this hard. That's when I realized how much I loved her.

Once she left, I would never hear her laugh or see her smile, I would never be able to snuggle with her in bed.

All of that would soon be gone.

None of it would ever happen again.

It was for the better. She'd find someone else. Someone human. Someone who loved her and could give her more than I ever could.

Tears formed in my eyes. I bit my lip just like Kyoka had, to fight back the stupid emotion. It was a human emotion I'd picked up from Kyoka. It showed vulnerability and weakness.

Something I could only show Kyoka.

In only the few short months I'd been with her, she'd become everything to me. It had felt like I'd spent an eternity with her. She'd melted the 1000-year-old barriers in front of my heart.

"I'm finished." Kyoka stood up and slung her bag over her shoulder. She left the room, and I heard the familiar biwa noise resound off the walls.

Kyoka POV

What the hell am I thinking? I should stay.

I need to stay.

I can't just leave Muzan.


It's what he wants.

He's pushing me away to protect me.

We'll meet again.

I know that's for sure.

I'll make sure of it.

I opened the door to the room where Kazuki and Mio slept, and I saw they were already packed and ready to go.

"What took you so long?" Kazuki groaned as he slung his back over his shoulder. "Brother said we're going on an adventure!" Mio ran to me and smiled. "Yes, Mio! It's going to be fun!" I fake smiled. "Now whisper Nakime's name so you can be the first to be ready!" I told Mio and I watched her vanish.

"You made the right decision last night." Kazuki placed his hand on my shoulder. "I'll admit I was probably harsher than I needed to be but it's for the better." Kazuki sighed. "You understand that right?" He smiled a sad smile.

"Yes but- "Please don't make some excuse to stay. Mio needs you." Kazuki took his hand off my shoulder and whispered Nakime's name. He vanished from sight and left me alone in the dusty old room.

"Well, I guess I can say goodbye once we're all there. Nak- "I won't be watching you leave." Muzan was standing in the doorway and holding something in his hand.

"I can't watch you leave." He looked around the room, avoiding any possible eye contact with me.

I inched towards Muzan and placed my hand on his chest.

"I'll stay if you like. I'm sure Kazuki will understand." I felt his hands wrap around my waist as he always did. "I want to stay!" Tears welled in my eyes, and I looked up at Muzan, who smiled and brushed my hair out of my face. "It's for the best and you know that." His voice trailed off and he placed a hairpin in my hand.

"It's of a blue spider lily." He smiled. "One of a kind. Irreplaceable. Don't ever lose it. I hope that when you wear it... you think of me." I could tell he was about to cry, but if he was, then he was doing a good job of not.

He pulled my hair back and placed the pin in my hair.

"I guess... you should get going." The smile vanished from his face. "One last kiss," I said and kissed him.

This time it felt different. It didn't feel like how it normally felt. It usually was a soft affectionate kiss. This time it was like our first kiss all over again.

Muzan POV

The taste of her sweet lips against mine rushed through my veins.

That's when I let the tears, I'd been holding back fall.

It wasn't the gasping and screaming Kyoka gave off when she cried, I let them fall down my face; expressionless.

I could tell she felt them because she reached her hand up and wiped them away.

It felt like an eternity before she pulled away, but I kept my arms around her, desperately wanting her to stay.

She touched my hands and gently pulled them away she stepped back and smiled.

"Nakime." She whispered and then she vanished.

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