Chapter 2

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After lessons, the students and Voss left the classroom and went on a recess to the yard or either to a cafe. As Voss walked down the hall, he encountered his roommates, Durham and Miguno. It turns out that they came to him so that Durham would apologize to him for what happened in the morning. Voss really wanted to kick him in the ass for touching his stuff and sabotaging him, making Voss have even more a hard time. But since he is small and friendly to his friends, he forgives him.

''It's alright, the teach hasn't given me yet, YET any detentions.'' Said Voss to Durham and Miguno crystally clear.  - Because if I would get it, then I would kill you.

-I know, I know. I just didn't know which alarm clock was mine. They all looked the same.

-My alarm clock is always bigger than yours!

''Okay guys, the problem has been solved.'' Miguno calmed Voss so that they wouldn't get into a fight. - Now let's go eat something, I'm sure the boys are waiting for us.

-All right. But...

Suddenly, Voss climbed on top of Durham's back, grabbing his shoulder to hold himself. He always did this when he didn't wanted to run after them or because he had many difficulties that he needed help with. - You're buying me something sweet.

-All right.

And so Voss together with Miguno and Durham, hanging on to one of him, went straight to the dining room.

half an hour later, Voss and his roommates Collot, Miguno, Durham, Jack and Legoshi were sitting at the table, chattering, eating their lunches and drinking juices or teas. Except for Voss who wasn't sitting in the chair because of his height, but was sitting on the table, eating the yogurt that Durham had bought for him. When suddenly Jack asked his gang something.

''So what are you guys doing today?'' Jack asked his roommates - Because I have short lessons today and they gave me a task on cleaning the pool again. Someone dyed it.

-Sorry, after school I have lights and a cameras to set up. There will be some more theaters soon.

-Unfortunately, I have long lessons.

-My classmates invite me to the trampoline park, so I'm out.

''I also get short lessons.'' Miguno replied to Jack. - So sure, I'll help.


Voss who was finishing eating his yogurt, also wanted to help, but due to his height, he won't be helpful. So at least he wanted to answer what he was going to do today. - Well me and my class will be having lessons with other class.

-Lucky you. I heard in that class there's alot of girls in it?

-Collot, leave me alone with this!

''Well, I'm just asking.'' Collot joked, stroking and ruffling his head, making Voss feel annoyed by him. - And besides, you're the only one who hasn't been with a girl.

Suddenly the gang looked at Voss, shocked to learn this and he was so embarrassed when Collot had to say it.

''That's not true!'' Voss protested - I was with some girls. I even had my first kiss!

-Really? Then why did you stopped dating?

-Because I... prefer... spending time with you, and that's enough for me.

''Aw, really?'' Jack, Miguno and Durhan smiled as he spoke with pleasant sincerity. Legoshi didn't react, but he smiled too. Just Like Collat, because he knew Voss lied about being in multiple relationships. He knew that Voss had always been friendly with both sexes, but had never been in any kind of relationship. He knows this because he sleeps over him and hasn't heard a single name of a person from school or from anywhere else.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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