Chapter one

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"Jack, why did you hide the forks?" Lizzie felt around on the table until her hand touched a pile of cutlery. She could tell by the smooth shape that she was feeling spoons. Where were the forks? " i didn't move anything," jack called from the living room. "I'm not even near the table." Lizzie ,felt around again. "Ah, there they are!" She picked up a hand full of forks and began moving carefully around the table, setting one down at each place. "Told you," jack said. What are you doing anyway. Lizzie could hear her younger brother walking into the dinning room. "I'm pretending to be blind," she told him. She had tied a silky blue scarf over her eyes. It made a good blindfold. Um, ok, jack said. Why? I want to know what it's like, lizzie explained. Our class is reading a book called the story of my life, by Hellen Keller. Did you ever hear of her. Jack shook his head. Well, did you lizzie asked again. Oh- said jack when he remembered that lizzie couldn't see him shaking his head. No. I guess you will when your in year four, lizzie said. She always liked to remind jack that she was older and wiser. Knowing his sister couldn't see him he made a face and pocked his tongue out. Anyway lizzie went on, she was this girl who was blind and deaf, she couldn't talk, either. Cam you imagine? This time, jack remembered to say No as he shook his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2015 ⏰

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