Day 2

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District 1:
Female: Olivine Zirconius, 15 @taragold00 (1 Kill)
Male: Titanio Vast, 17 @wyatt_2001 (1 Kill)

District 2:
Male: Gnaeus Wharf, 17 @jamalpopper (1 Kill)

District 3:
Female: Terra Allume, 12 @tryphenya

District 4:
Female: Varuna Marsh, 18 @suzig. (Volunteer) (1 Kill)
Male: Aldan Seine, 16 @badbeatbryce (Volunteer) (1 Kill)

District 5:
Male: Erion Nuclero, 13 @noahsalvatore

District 6:
Female: Lucia Garner, 17 @paigemegan (Volunteer)
Male: Reiko Otto, 16 @bluntsnokunts (1 Kill)

District 7:
Female: Asana Caspum, 15 @j4ckwilko (1 Kill)
Male: Neem Populum, 18 @omegaupsilon (1 Kill)

District 9:
Female: Zea Panlona, 17 @faith3223t

District 10:
Male: Roe Tokarra, 17 @glad1407 (1 Kill)

District 11:
Female: Bramble Generese, 15 @queenhippie

District 12
Male: Hibiscus Coacilin, 14 @icemystic1216

--Day 2--

Lucia and Reiko are walking across the edge of the arena, keeping the dome to the right of them. With the little visibility they have across this area, the two of them have given up trying to find tributes and only are looking for something for them to use.
Taking a few more steps around the edge, Lucia notices that there is smell coming from this area however she is unsure on what that smell is.
"Reiko take the lead please, there's a proper smell coming up" Lucia refuses to move until Reiko walks in front. The boy takes the lead before walking ahead, not trying to pay attention to the smell, which is in fact a rotting animal.

Roe stays in the area that he has been since the night before. Keeping his bow right next to him, he slowly eats the jerky that he has left. Whilst sitting there, he hears Erion and Bramble as they squabble every so often about their plan next.

Further down the hill, Bramble and Erion have decided to move on from where they are now, deciding that it's best to move further away from the middle to avoid encounters. Whilst getting ready to move, Bramble is seemingly annoyed at the presence of Erion due to him being more childish than her. She starts to talk to herself deciding what to do about the situation before grabbing her belongings and starts to head out with Erion.
Despite Bramble trying to be quiet about her frustrations, it's clear that erion is on edge about her. Gripping his knife, he seems ready to attack as he looks behind himself at her as he walks up the rocky hills.
"You never really liked her did you?" Erion turns to Bramble in a concerned way. Bramble stops and then looks up at Erion, before smiling an inch.
"Why are you even asking me that" Bramble rolls her eyes in disgust at being asked that, but her face starts to turn into a different way. "Nah I tolerated her but you I want to kill you right now, this second. I know I can, look at you, your tiny you couldn't kill me there's no way" Bramble starts to creep forward towards Erion, readying her sword towards Erion, they each know what's about to happen.
"Alliance over then" Erion exclaims, before running towards Bramble, with both of his knives raised ready for attack. Bramble wait for him, turning to the side of Erion, letting him run past. However in this time, she doesn't realise that one of his knives are missing. She grunts at the pain after the adrenaline passes, before swearing out loud.
"AHHHH" A rage of fury starts to come out of Bramble, grabbing the boy, slamming him into the ground, pinning him down.
"Now It's time for my fun" Bramble grabs the knife out of her leg, wincing for a second. Erion trying to wiggle out looks for his knife that he dropped while being pinned. Snapping from left to right, just out of arms length.
Erion closes his eyes, before kneeing bramble in the crotch and tries to grab his knife from the side of him.
Suddenly an arrow whirls from the area above directing straight to Bramble. Bramble looks up as the arrow rips through her throat...

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