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The balls wiz around in the gym past my useless body. I stare into the empty pit of darkness in my life that represents my first period class. Phys Ed, better know as hell on Earth.

I was the first person out of he game. I feel like the entire other team targeted me first and my team used me as a decoy with out me knowing. No. I don't feel like that I know it. I know every kid in my grade turned on me first.

I am the scrawny kid that hasn't hit their grows spurt, or the kid that keeps to them self. You know that kid, their is one in every class, every school, every year. You may think that kid is stupied, dumb, an idiot, a complete moron, maybe even a genius but everyone has feelings and what you say about them or even me could change someone's view of life.

Everyone can hear what you say about them even if you are in completely different rooms. News speeds like an endless war against water, fire, and Earth. And in middle school that fight will never be won. We try to fight agains it but our feeble attempts can't stop the scorching truth of our society.

As the dodge balls fly past my head and hit my small body sitting on the floor in the middle of the court, I feel nothing. The nothingness of having no friends. No love. No life. I think dodge balls represent a humans life, on the outside they are tough and cruel, but on the inside the are soft, sweet, and fluffy.

I hope to find the sweet spot in everyone. I hope I trigger that feeling in them. Because as I sit in the gross smelly gym with a glitchy air conditioner, I feel nothing. I feel no emotion. No love. No hate. No pain.

(A.n: this story represents what kids going through hard times can think in a thing as simple as dodgeball. Our society is failing because we can't have the decency to help the fallen warriors. Lots of people have suicidal thoughts. This one game of dodgeball could be the last prickle of someone's final straw and send them over the edge. Think before you act.)

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