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"Welcome to your home for the next couple of months Anais, Camp Half-Blood." 

"Camp Half-Blood?" I asked. "Is that like, a metaphor or something?" 

"Nope, it's exactly what it sounds like." Luke responded. Half-Blood? A camp for half-bloods? While I was asking myself all these questions, we kept on walking. That was until we reached a house, it had four stories, a wraparound porch, and it was painted baby blue. But some of the paint seemed to be chipping off, revealing red paint underneath it. "Alright well, here's our stop." 

"Is this where I'm staying?" I said, as I walked up the stairs.

"No" Luke chuckled. "This is where you're going to meet the activities director and watch the, uh, orientation film." 

"Right." I turned the doorknob to the house and pushed the door open. As I walked through the doorway, I felt chills going down my neck. 

"Chiron, she's here." Luke called out. Chiron? Like the trainer of heroes in Greek Mythology, Chiron? It was only a few seconds later that a man made his way into the entrance of the house. But he wasn't a man at all, he was a centaur. Chiron. 

"No way." I said, without a thought. And I think it explained how I felt pretty well.

"Nice to meet you Anais, I am Chiron." I tried to say something, but my mind was at a blank. What in the world can you even say to a centaur?  "I see that you're confused on somethings that is alright." Chiron said. "Luke, why don't you go play the orientation film for Anais." 

"Will do." I followed Luke into a one of the rooms on the second floor of the house. It was dark and not the blinds weren't letting in much light. But that made sense since this is where you watch the orientation film. Luke started up the projector, which looked kind of old timey, and the video started to play on the wall in front of me. There were a few chairs in the room, but I chose the one closest to the wall that the film was being played on. 

'So, you found out you're a demigod congratulations! And if you are finding out just now, well then still congrats!' The girl in the video said. After about 15 minutes the video ended, and I was left in complete and utter shock. 

"A lot to take in I know." Luke said, in what I think was an attempt to comfort me. "I hate that stupid video." 

"So, unless I'm "lucky" enough, I might not be able to go home?" I asked. Luke nodded his head 'yes'. All I wanted to do right now, was cry. I could stand three months away from my dad, but the thought of staying here forever broke me. 

"Do you want to go see where you're going to be staying?" He asked. I didn't say anything, I just stood up and he took that as a sign to start walking to our next destination. "The walk to the cabins is pretty short, but are you sure you don't want help with at least one of your bags?" 

"I got it, but thanks" But right as I said that my water bottle, which had been in one of my backpacks side pockets fell out. Luckily for me though Luke had quick reflexes and caught it before it hit the ground. "Thank you." 

"I'll carry it for now." He said with a smile. "Don't want it to fall again." 

"Right, of course not." I agreed. "So, if you don't mind me asking, who's your parent?" 

"Hermes, Cabin 11." He responded. "That's also where you'll be staying until you're claimed." The walk felt short, but it took at least five minutes. Five minutes for me usually feels like forever too, but walking with Luke and just taking in the scenery made it go by a lot faster. I look at the strawberry fields, which were taken care of by satyrs and what I was guessing were other demigods. Then there was a lake, which had me mesmerized. The way the sunlight reflected of the water and made it sparkle. 

"Camp Half-Blood is amazing, isn't it?" Luke asked. 

"It is, it really is." I responded. "I might like it here." 


"Okay fine, I will like it here." I said. I kept looking around, everything here just felt so normal. Then I turned to look at Luke, who seemed to be, admiring me? He turned away though as soon as he saw that I noticed. "So, my mom is either Athena, Demeter, or Aphrodite?" 

"Yes." Said Luke. "Them, or maybe a minor goddess." 

"So not any of the male Olympians, like Apollo, Ares, or Hermes"  

"That's right." 

We walked into a grove trees, and that's when I spotted cabins. There were 12 of them and they were lined up in a 'U' formation. But two of them really caught my attention. The ones up front. They both look like banks, one larger than the other. "Wow." 

"Yeah." He chuckled. "Come on, this way." He led me towards a cabin that looked normal, compared to the others. It actually felt quite cozy and reminded me of the cabin I'd used to stay in with my dad went we went "camping". It was full of campers. "Everyone, listen up." Luke yelled. "This Anais, hey uh what's your last name? "

"Reyes." I responded.

"This is Anais Reyes, she'll be staying here until she's claimed." He stated. "So, make her feel welcome." I smiled awkwardly. "Come on you can set your bags down over here." He led me to one of the empty bunks. I placed my bags down, but before I could unpack Luke said, "I'd wait a few days to unpack."

"How come?" 

"Some kids get claimed as soon as they get to camp." He told me. "Maybe that's the case for you." 

"Maybe." I said. "Are you like, a counselor here?" His expression changed. He looked sad. 

"Yeah, I am." Luke responded. "Our last counselor, Ian, didn't make it back from a quest a couple months ago and uhm, since I was the oldest here, I took his place." I felt bad. I shouldn't have asked. 

"Oh, I'm sorry." 

"It's all right." He assured me. "It happens to everyone at some point..." 

"It shouldn't have to." I said. 

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Feb 01 ⏰

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A f t e r g l o w | Luke Castellan x Fem OCजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें