Ep.3 Geovanna Glasses 📘 Supermarket

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I was looking for notebooks, pencils and more useful in the library section and i flashed my hair as a sign of likeness, when a boy was entering. I did not noticed at first. But i could felt an incredible energy. When he was walking with presumplty his older brother. I felt deep eyes looking at me. And when i up my head to look at him. I knew it was him . Just by his amazing confidence and the hotnesss in his acts, his smooth movements and the way he dressed.

 Everyone noticed him since he distinguish himself very much.

He was wearing a cotton linen light blue shirt with Levis Jeans, alongside with white denim  shoes. And it seems he is financially stable. I stare at him and he continue looking at me with such an strong look, desire in his eyes. I then took my eyes off of it and continue looking at my notebooks, and when least i waited. Well he was just approaching me. ''Hey you look familiar to me . But i do not remember quite well. Where.''  He asked me . ''Do you study at Florida International.? '' No? right. Because i study there. In Miami, actually because they do not have it in Orlando.'' 

 And i inmediately by the way he was talking knew that, he was rich. or atleast came from a wealthy family. His confident is not from this world . I knew it because his voice reminded me of a rich guy i met another day and he was very unworried and calm voice. Just as this guy. Who as just seconds of meeting him, i instantly got many toughts about him . What most surprised me is the way he approached me, his confident and again! WHAT AN SMOOTH TALKER HE IS!! Then, after hearing his Florida international opener. I said, ''wow haha. I laughed'' and he not letting time goes. Leaned on to me . And says ''you know purple is the color of Saint german. I loved it. And the shirt with those jeans fits you well and the glasses too. You're really pretty.'' i felt a litle bit of love bombing there indeed. 

 You remind me to a fríend. And ⚡️he  inmediately introduced himself; my name is Harends Shine, but you can call me Har,  And said " what is your name mysterious girl from the supermarket" 

Jsjs i laughed again. I was starting liking this guy. And i said. 

''My name is Alissa. 

Woww. ''You're not only pretty but also have a pretty name Jsj'' 

I felt good about it, strange because he only praise my name, but it felt good. thanks to him i was beleiving that words have power. 

''Well, I need to continue shopping. But i would love to continue this converrsation on another moment. What do you think about a saturday in hooters. Or Midnight afternoon in Rancho SantaAna . Think about it. 

''I would love to'' it was nice meeting you harends, i like your name too''

''Lovely, type your number here and i'll text you.''

 It was okay, i typé by number and he said good bye with a double kiss. One in each cheek. Amazing indeed. Well, very few people say goodbye like this. Unless we were in europe. Since i have wacthed movies but not here in Florida hah. Lord bless. 3 days pass. Exactly 3 days and he texted me. 

"Hey Alissa. This is Harends. We met at the supermarket"i want you to accompany to the country golf club. ⛳️ i am pretty sure you'll love it. 

Sure, would you pick me up, my love.

''I know you'' love  it. because i am in love with it. Even tho i do not play golf. "Well, i do play is just that i am not really good at it". I prefer tennis 🎾 👟 ''

Nice, i love tennis too, even tho i am not really good at it hshs. 

 ''That's okay, but i am inviting you here. Because i know you'll love the car . It's a surprise. Unless you have already ride them before" this man, boy never stop surprising and he was unrealiticslly attractive that i accepted and well  he. And i said 

''it seem good to me.'' 

 ''At what time.''  And he said.

'' I'll  pass by you at 5pm if that's ok to you.'' 

'' I will be waiting for you my love''

He drive until my home in a beautuful white porshe and scream my name at the house.'' Alissa, i am here. ''I jumped in and said. ''I still find incredible, the way we meet and how far we have gone. '' 

''Well then. You fill Wind even more amazing because this is just the begining. Of course if you behave." 

Jsjsj. He was funny indeed. Many good qualities in a man a litle surreal. Anyways i was enjoying everypart of it. we took an 18 minute ride to the golf ⛳️ club in where he was driving and he looked so fine. With his black glasses and he noticed every movement. There were some girls outside flirting with her hair to him and he looked at him smiling, it was awesome. And ⚡️ i was there i felt like the competion for harends was starting already. Even tho, by this time, we have not kiss. Tho i am pretty sure he is planning on making his firts move tonight. Unless he just wants me as a friend. Which i wouln't mind neither because, he is so lovely, that i would be enchanted by being his girlfriend or his friend or even his part-time lover.

 After flirting his body with those girl. Which was evident. He lean on to me and said; ''I never asked you. But tell me more about you, i mean who is Alissa. How would you describe yourself. ''

I'll start. Imagine we are a litle game of identity. Two totally strangers meeting for the first time. I looked at him, in the way he looked me back . I started thinking maybe i got too much excited or emotioanlly. Because when i looked myself at th3 mirror, the right window reflected me litle bright in my eyes. And he said, ''is it me but your eyes have a litle green 💚 on them when you smile.''

 Woww, he was making me fall in love with him. Just by his words, at this moment, i looked at the sky again, after he said, so he would not notice my in love face i was feeling because of him. And i thanked the Sky, because i did not remember trying to manifest this . Then i said, than you Lord for him. Even tho, i said it in my mind. I felt like if he could heared my words and i felt surprised and he looked at me and said '' come, give me a hug. You know hugs, are better for our physically and mental health and it obviusly help our emotional part.''

 He had a response to everything and a motive for every act he does. I smile and say, i agree with you. He then looked at the highway and pointed a big beautful tached green past and said, that is the Golf camp . We are going. I just go in there and we are here.

As soon as we arrived he sais hello to the security guys and they smiled at him, apparently happy to see him again. 

''Hello Rob , hello Mr Shines, Good day Edward, Thank you mr Shines, you are always welcome''

''Woww it seems they like you alot harends'' i said. 

''Well, they have always treated me very well, how could i treat them differently. ''

I proceed to hig him and kiss him on the cheeck, this time i could not hold myself, and i retire what i siad before, i did not wanted to be only his friend, i want more and maybe even have his childred. it was amzing thinking to being in love with him, and i have not even kiss him yet. 

Teenage Funs ⛄️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें