002- glitter on the floor after the party

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"Yes yes I know she was very pretty, you've said that about 10 times. Now can you pleaseeee let me unlock the door," Morgan sighed as she finally dragged Bella's drunk ass into their apartment.

Bella's giggles quickly turned into a pout as Morgan sat her down on her bed, taking out a makeup wipe to help her roommate get ready to sleep. "Did I make a bad impression? What if Conan saw how awkward I was and doesn't wanna be friends anymore? What if Olivia doesn't want me to join her anymore? What if-"

"Shhhh," Morgan cut her off. "You're fine B, I promise. It happens to the best of us. Wanna tell me how you got so wasted?" She put on her best 'mom voice'. "Actually, nevermind. Go to bed and then tomorrow you can tell me why and how you got drunk off your ass. Get some sleep, I love you," She placed a kiss on her roommates head and tucked her in.


"Oh god," Bella groaned as she was immediately greeted with a throbbing headache and sun in her eyes. She reached over to her bedside table for her phone and saw a few messages.


you get home ok?
1:30 am

how is your hangover treating you? glad you could come last night (😏) olivia loved you!
9:22 am

She groaned at his dirty joke, god she couldn't ever get the word "come" out of her mouth without him going "you what?", and let him know she was ok and only mildly dying from her headache. She hoisted herself out of bed and made her way towards the kitchen.

"Hi sleeping beauty," Morgan teased as she saw her roommate emerge. "Sit. I wanna hear all about last night."

"God I made such a fool out of myself!" Bella laid her head down in her hands. "Conan texted me and said Olivia liked me, so I guess it wasn't too bad but I definitely got super trashed."

"Well did you have fun? C'mon B, I need more details than that."

"Okay, well at first I was really nervous. Like, you know that's my scene and all but not with celebrities! Not with celebrities that are offering me a job! Anyways, Olivia was actually so chill. I mean, cool as hell, but super easy to get on with. We took some shots andthenImetGracie and then we took more shots and-"

Morgan cut her off with her giggling, "Is that why you got so drunk? A pretty girl made you nervous?"

"What?! No, I don't know what you mean," Bella blushed and avoided eye contact with her friend.

"Right, so let me get this straight; You walked in, super nervous, ended up getting along well with Olivia, met a super pretty girl, then got way drunker than you ever do just for no reason at all?"

"Yep," she replied, popping the 'p'.

         Morgan rolled her eyes and placed a glass of ice water in front of Bella. "Alright well, when you feel like talking about it, I'll be here."

         Bella smiled at her roommate, then saw her phone light up with a notification.

@oliviarodrigo tagged you in a post

         "Oh my god, Olivia posted me!" She squealed, immediately blushing at her own reaction.

          "Let me see!" Morgan grinned.

What If You're My Weakness? / GRACIE ABRAMSWhere stories live. Discover now