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3 years later I got close to Alastor like really close and I think I might have feelings for him...

                                                                                             Y/N POV:

I woke up and got ready for work I work at mimzy's work place as a bartender i got ready and started to head out usually Alastor walked me there and we would chat but this time he wasn't there? I looked around waiting for him but realized I was late so I just moved on without him and headed to work 30 mins later I got to work but no one was there? I didn't have time to worry so I just headed along and did my job but there were no customers  so I just cleaned and did mimzy's job for her (sadly😭) another hour went by and suddenly Alastor came in and told about the news(?) 

Alastor: Heya! Sorry I couldn't walk you here! I had Things.....to deal with..anyways! Have you heard about the news? Its a hell-fire! There are killings going around because of some serial killer!

Y/N: Oh is there? Do you know anything about mimzy? She hasn't come in yet and I did her job..and its fine! You don't have to walk me here!

Alastor: ah yes! Sorry my dear but I have not heard about mimzy! And only if you insist! I just want to keep you safe!

Y/N: Well damnit its fine thank you though Alastor!

Alastor: Your welcome my dear! Say she might be sick?

Y/N: Yeah most likely..

                                                  Y/N POV:

I don't know why but I have a bad feeling more than her just being sick like something really bad happened to her....and on the other note Alastor has been acting weird lately and he seems more...sinister?..ill figure out what happened even if it........KILLS ME...

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**368 words**

Hiiii Everyone! Sorry this is short (again...) bc I have school and other stuff but I promise to try and get more of this done! 

Though I don't have any ideas so if any of you guys would like You can put ideas in the comments! It really helps my slow ass brain😭 love you guys stay safe!❤🖤💜🌸

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