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K scribbled equations furiously, trying desperately to solve the question but to no avail. Several balled up sheets of failed solutions lay scattered everywhere on the floor. He had vented his frustration by throwing them as hard as he could against the living room wall, causing a mess he knew he probably would not have the time nor energy to clean up later.

What got him frustrated was how simple the question was. All it was asking him to do was to sketch a graph based on the equation given. In any other circumstance, he would have easily solved it and moved on.

Unfortunately, the current circumstance wasn't easy to deal with.

The sun had chosen to shine in all its glory, blasting heat almost everywhere. Most people would simply turn on the air conditioner, take out an iced drink, and go about their day as usual. K was not most people, being too poor to afford air conditioning and had just run out of cold drinks. All he could do was switch on the ceiling fan to the highest setting, close all the blinds, and take off his shirt. Every few minutes or so he would get up and splash some water on his face. Even then, it was barely enough to ward off heatstroke. His brain felt like a heated up, overused machine. He was surprised his head hadn't started producing steam yet.

He groaned and grabbed his face in exasperation as he got the answer wrong yet again. He wished the weather was cold again. At least he could deal with that easily. But no, the sun just had to be a bitch and disrupt his studies.

He picked up the failed solution, balled it up, and threw it. He watched it fly and land with a thud on the ground. He stayed there, watching the paper ball, before sighing and getting up. His brain needed a break.

He made his way to the kitchen, hoping to find something to cool him down in the fridge. He pulled the fridge door open, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the cold air that blasted out. It felt almost heavenly.

K then looked around. The fridge was full of prep meals he made for the week because who had the energy to cook after a long day of studying? It also had some eggs, condiments, the usual things you would find in your average fridge. He was just about to close the door in defeat when he spotted something at the back. Something blue. He took out some of the prep meals to reach it. It was soon revealed to be a blue chocolate box he had gotten from someone a few months back.

He checked the expiration date. It hadn't expired. He cracked the lid, picked two chocolates, and popped them in his mouth. According to the box one was a caramel while the other was hazelnut. He couldn't really taste the difference, only enjoying the taste of the coolness of cold chocolate. Satisfied with the treat, he went back to the living room and tackled the question with renewed gusto

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