My comfort

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Hay everyone~~~

I am here with a new story more like a oneshot. I will update other story also but i am in writers block for the other story so for now i am giving you this story . So this is basically a fluff taekook oneshot. If you are stressed and want to read something cute about taekook then maybe this story is for you~~

⚠️ Warnings~~

Top kook
Bottom tae
No smut~~

Ok so IF  you are comfortable with the warnings than read and if not then please leave💜💜💜

So get ready for a new story~~💜


The sun is up. People are walking here and there . Some are going to work and some are just hanging out with friends. This is seoul . The city filled with busy people. Every person here is chasing after their dreams. Big skyscrapers. And their is one building. The biggest one. And the name is Jeon Enterprises . The biggest bulding belongs to Jeon Jungkook. The ceo of Jeon Enterprises. Let's see what is he doing~~

In the office of Jeon Jungkook~~~

Jungkook is sitting on his black leather seat in his office. The office is on the top floor. Big office with white and gray walls. Big windows, through which you can see the whole seoul city. The sky looks beautiful from their. Jungkook is doing some paper works . Time to time rubbing his temple. He is not feeling good today . A lot of workload is taking a toll on him.

"Knock  knock"

Jungkook sighed. Feeling tired.

"Come in"

The door to his office room opened. His secretary came in feeling scared because her boss is not in a good mood today.

" S-sir you have a meeting in 15 minutes with Mr. Choi." Said his secretary.

Jungkook again sighed and nodded his head . He can't back off from his responsibilities.

" Ok. I will come . Prepare the meeting room."

" Yes sir"

After saying that she left from there. Jungkook started to go towards the meeting room.

Jungkook opened the door to the meeting room and went inside.
He saw the investers their. He started to introduce himself.

" Hello Mr. Choi , i am jungkook. Nice to meet you."

" Nice to meet you too Mr. Jeon , who doesn't know you, a very famous and youngest CEO. " Said Mr. Choi. Smiling admiringly at jungkook.

Jungkook smiled at him and they started the meeting .

After 3 hours~~~

" Congratulations Mr. Jeon . I am very happy to work with you. It will be a good experience." Said Mr. Choi smiling gratefully.

" Congratulations to you too Mr. Choi. I am also happy to work with you. It surly will be a great experience for all of us." Said jungkook. He was really tired but he didn't let it show on his face. After the meeting ended the Choi's left . Jungkook made his way to his office. After entering his office he sighed loudly. He was really tired.

He just wanted to go home to his love. Thinking about his love made jungkook smile. His love gave him the energy to keep working hard. So without any delay he started to work again. He started to work fastly. He wanted to finish his work on time so he can go to home to his love. Who will pamper him  like a baby and shower him with kisses.

You are my comfort  ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora