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When I see you smile in the screen

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When I see you smile in the screen

You're good at everything

You're just perfect

Feels like I've never been you

Do you even see me?

Do you know who I am?

Or how do I look now?

You don't like me like that ~

Oh boy, here we go again. My voice decides to crack at the most inconvenient times. Just my luck! It's like the universe is conspiring against me to make this day extra special. I can practically feel all the judgmental eyes, the whispering voices, and the pointing fingers. It's like a whole circus out there! Please provide me with convincing evidence that today is indeed my birthday.

My hands turn extra clammy as the nails grace my sensitive skin not so gently.

But you know what? Adrenaline is a funny thing. It brings out the best in me, or at least that's what I like to believe. I catch a glimpse of one of the only two familiar faces in the bar. One hand giving me a thumbs up, while the other is busy recording my epic fail for the world to see.

Thanks, buddy!

His lips mumble something which I translate into 'It's fine. Dont worry, you did just great'

As tears threaten to escape my eyes, I bat my lashes like a damsel in distress. I turn towards the host, silently begging her to save me from this embarrassing moment. She gets it, thankfully. She nods in understanding and prepares to announce my defeat, but before she can even utter a word, a heavenly voice from the crowd takes over.

The sea of judgmental youth parts like the Red Sea, revealing my knight in shining armor. Well, maybe not literally, but close enough.

Come and tell me so much, you beautiful heart

Oh, I'm gonna listen to you


All the numbers too big

Can't get out of your game

Oh, I want to paint it like you


I want to be your decalcomania

I want you

I want to be your decalcomania

I want

I want you ~

An individual comes to the rescue.

As the loud claps, chaotic cheers, and amazed smiles fill the air, my eyes remain fixed on the contact that has captivated me. And there he is, a beautiful smiling boy who has just saved my day. The eyes are deep, coral blue monolids.

He gracefully bows down, allowing me a moment to truly observe him. His eyes, like sirens, glow with a hidden pain, yet they are narrowed with a smile that stretches wide. His nose, though small, has a high tip that adds to his charm. His lips curl genuinely, creating a smile that spans a mile. His frizzy blonde hair partially conceals his captivating orbs. His posture is straight, proudly displaying his perfectly fitting tuxedo. And to my surprise, he wears black loafers, adding a touch of formality to the bar atmosphere.

Who the heck wears formal at a bar?

As the host's voice praising the brief performance gradually diminishes, I gracefully descend from the stage. I catch a glimpse of the guy attempting to widen his already radiant smile, but his efforts fall short because his smile gleams already with a dazzling brightness.

Upon my arrival near the guy, the crowd resumes their conversations. I proceed to encircle him with a tender embrace, expressing our joyous meeting.

The exquisite aroma of his opulent forest-inspired fragrance envelops my senses, caressing my olfactory passage with its alluring essence. As I gracefully part away, I initiate the conversation, setting the stage for an engaging exchange.

"How delightful it is to meet you, young sir."

"What an enchanting, affluent, and delectable voice!"

Now this is surely and purely a flattery.

"When it fails to retain a tone, it becomes ineffective."

"With a mere touch of refinement, you shall effortlessly radiate brilliance. A little practice is all you need" I surely do. I don't know how to answer that so I change the topic,

"What is my salvagor called?"

"Jimin, Jimin Park it is." He practically shouts at this rate so that I can hear him over the crowd.

"That's such a nice name. In Arabic, it means winner of heart, doesn't it?"

"Looks like you have quiet a good knowledge of phonetics"

"I do and you just did what your name says, won the heart of audience" I am yelling at this point.

He chuckles throwing his head back and his voice fills my heart with warmth. I feel like I hold some power-

power to make someone laugh.

"I did?"

"Indeed, amidst a crowd that scarcely bestows their attention upon the performers, your captivating presence effortlessly commands their focus. Please do not mistake my words for mere flattery, for it is an undeniable truth that you possess an innate talent that resonates effortlessly with all who witness it."

He replies as the smile never fades, "Thank you, I am truly grateful. May I inquire about the name of this exquisite young lady?"

A leer creeps through my lips, "you can call me Calesta."

"I see, can we talk somewhere else? Its too noisy here."

"Yes sure, is the beach behind the bar okay?"

"Yup. Let's go."

"Uhm- I'm sorry but can you reach there while I inform my brother?"


I humbly lower myself, bowing my head slightly as I navigate through the bustling gathering. The room is filled with a vibrant energy, laughter and conversation filling the air. With each step, I carefully maneuver through the crowd, mindful of the people around me.

As I make my way towards the corner of the room, my eyes scan the faces, searching for the familiar features of my brother and his girlfriend. The anticipation builds within me, eager to reunite with them and share in the joy of this gathering.

Finally, I spot them, standing together in the corner, their smiles radiant and infectious. Their presence brings a sense of comfort and familiarity, like a warm embrace after a long absence. I quicken my pace.

Olivia's note: guys, I tell you studying in high school means free time walking out of the room....

Date of release: 28 Jan 2024 (Sunday)

Date of next update: 3 Feb 2024 (Sunday)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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