I'm glad you chose me as your milk supplier.

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I spent the rest of my day engrossed in my studies, flipping through textbooks, highlighting important information, and making detailed notes. Occasionally, I would take short breaks to stretch my legs or grab a quick snack, but my focus remained unwavering. I took advantage of various study techniques, including creating flashcards, practicing mock exams, and summarizing complex topics to enhance my understanding. I was determined to succeed and put in the effort required to achieve my goals.

Hours later, I glanced at the clock and realized that the day had passed by swiftly. I closed my books and allowed myself a short break to relax before preparing dinner.Just as I was about to start cooking, the doorbell rang, announcing Leen's arrival. I hurried to the door, eager to greet her. Opening it, I was met with her warm smile and the sight of two suitcases beside her. I welcomed her in and helped carry her bags to her room. Once everything was settled, we both took a moment to catch our breaths . Leen's presence brought a refreshing energy to the house, and I was glad to have her around after a long time of living alone.

"So, how was your day?" she asked after we settled in the living room with cups of tea "Busy" I replied with a smile. "I've been hitting the books pretty hard."Leen nodded, her eyes sparkling with interest. "What are you studying these days?"

"I'm focusing on criminal and civil law courses mainly," I explained. "There's a lot of material to cover, but I'm determined to stay on top of it."Leen leaned forward, her curiosity evident. "That sounds intense, but knowing you, I'm sure you're acing it."I chuckled, feeling a surge of gratitude for her unwavering support. "Thanks, Leen. Your confidence means a lot."

Instead of making dinner, Leen insisted we order pizza. We browsed through a menu, debating between the various options before finally settling on a couple of our favorite toppings—pepperoni for me and mushroom for her. With our order placed, we settled back into the comfortable couch, the warm ambiance of the living room making it a perfect setting for catching up. The conversation flowed easily, moving from light-hearted banter to more serious topics.

The doorbell rang again, signaling the arrival of our pizza. I jumped up to answer, paid the delivery driver, and brought the warm boxes back to the living room. The smell of melted cheese and savory toppings filled the air, making my mouth water.

We set the pizza boxes on the coffee table and dug in, savoring the delicious flavors. "This is exactly what I needed," I said, taking a big bite of my pepperoni slice. Leen nodded in agreement, her mushroom pizza slice halfway to her mouth.

"Tell me more about your courses," Leen prompted between bites. "What's the most interesting thing you've learned so far?"

I thought for a moment, chewing thoughtfully. "There are so many fascinating aspects, but I think one of the most interesting topics has been the intricacies of criminal procedure. It's amazing how every detail can impact the outcome of a case. Understanding the law's complexities and how it's applied in real-life scenarios is really eye-opening."

Leen listened intently, her eyes wide with curiosity. "That sounds incredible. I can see why you're so passionate about it."

After we finished our pizza, we tidied up and settled back on the couch, feeling pleasantly full and content.

"How about we watch a movie?" I suggested, reaching for the remote.

"Sounds like a perfect end to the day," She agreed.

" What do you think about The hobbit?" I asked my tone carrying a hint of excitement.

Leen's eyes lit up. "I love The Hobbit! But to be honest i just read the books i never watched the movies"

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