Date Gone Wrong!

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Mitten arrived at Burger King for her date with Bella. She looked around and spotted Bella, waving at her. Mitten approached the girl and smiled. She sat down and giggled a bit, thinking about how if this date went well, she and Bella might even be able to have a relationship! "Hi!", the curly-haired girl said, smiling. "Hey...! Y-you look really pretty...", Mitten managed to stutter out. She looked her up and down, examining her. Bella wore a black hoodie with the words "WAKE UP JERK OFF CRY", Minecraft Creeper pants, and shoes that said "I ❤️ PUSSY" on them. She blushed at Mittens remark, and smiled. She replied with, "T-thanks! You look pretty as well." Mittens face flushed with redness. She smiled and giggled. "T-thank you..." The two sat there chatting and eating. They even shared a milkshake! How romantic. Mitten had no idea something terrible was about to happen to her beloved crush... "Haha, yeah so—" There was a gunshot heard. Bella stopped, right in the middle of her sentence. Mitten and Bellas eyes both widened, as Bella looked down at her hoodie. They both realized Bella had been shot. Not by any ordinary gun, a Squirting Machine Gun 5000. Mitten covered her mouth in shock. She started to tear up as the cold, hard reality sunk in. "I-I...",Bella chuckled, trying to keep calm. She was obviously in a state of panic, her hands shaking. "OH MY GOD, BELLA!! ARE YOU OKAY?!?", she stood up and kneeled by Bellas side. "M-Mitten, I-I'm fine, really!", she smiled and reassured Mitten. Obviously, she wasn't fine at all. She had just been shot by a Squirting Machine Gun 5000! That was a huge deal! She was slurring all of her words, (One of the side effects of being shot by a Squirting Machine Gun 5000.) and she finally collapsed. A group of people surrounded her, and the dialing of 9-1-1 was heard from multiple phones. ", no, no, no!! Bella! Please! Oh my god this can't be happening, this CANNOT BE HAPPENING!!" , Mitten sobbed. She stayed by Bella's side, holding her hand tightly. She then got a message notification from the anonymous caller. The message read: "I WARNED YOU." Mitten dropped her phone in disbelief. Her heart was racing, all of these thoughts overflowing her head. She felt terribly sick, and fainted.

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