Celtic European Super League Soccer Champions 1894-2023

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Celtic European Super League Soccer Champions 1894-2023 . - Alternative History.
Scottish, Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Brittany, the Isle of Man, Welsh, Cornish Soccer League.

This is a fantasy soccer league based on fiction. In this alternative World, In 1894 some of the Celtic Nations created a combined soccer league. This is a list of the champions of the league. From 1894-2023 Champions List. The League is called the Celtic European Super League.

Celtic European Super League Soccer Champions 1894-2023 .

Year. Champions.

1894 Scottish Dunclevercity (Scotland).  

1895 Glasindeenburgh Royals (Scotland).

1896 Lorryduck City (Wales).

1897 Glasindeenburgh Monks (Scotland).

1898 Glasindeenburgh Monks (Scotland).
1900 The Sixth Thistle Rovers United (Scotland).

1901 The Ninth Thistle Rovers United (Scotland).

1902 The Sixth Thistle Rovers United (Scotland).

1903 Glasindeenburgh Monks (Scotland).

1904 Glasindeenburgh Monks (Scotland).

1905 Glasindeenburgh Monks (Scotland).

1906 Glasindeenburgh Monks (Scotland).

1907 SHARED - Glasindeenburgh Monks AND The Coastal Dinosaurs (Cornwall).

1908 Loch Middle Pool (Scotland).

1909 New Scotlaparburgh Irish (Scotland).

1910 Orenafalstraw (Wales).

1911 Holydinastrefpentref Town (Wales).  

1912 Old Scotlaparburgh Hibernian (Scotland).

1913 Holydinastrefpentref Town (Wales).  

1914 – 18 World War One.

1919 Bretagne Nanilleris (Brittany).

1920 Bretagne Nanilleris (Brittany).

1921 Glasindeenburgh Royals (Scotland).

1922 Glasindeenburgh Royals (Scotland).

1923 Glasindeenburgh Royals (Scotland).

1924 Glasindeenburgh Royals (Scotland).

1925 Glasindeenburgh Monks (Scotland).

1926 Lorryduck City (Wales).

1927 Ben Neesie James (Scotland).

1928 Ben Neesie James (Scotland).

1929 Bretagne Nanilleris (Brittany).

1930 Glasindeenburgh Royals (Scotland).

1931 Glasindeenburgh Royals (Scotland).

1932 Glasindeenburgh Royals (Scotland).

1933 Glasindeenburgh Royals (Scotland).

1934 Glasindeenburgh Royals (Scotland).

1935 Lough Yessie Monsters (Northern Ireland).

1936 Lough Yessie Monsters (Northern Ireland).

1937 Hambernia Thistle City (Scotland).
1938 Lough Yessie Monsters (Northern Ireland).

1939 – 45 World War Two.

1946 Workers Glasindeenburgh.

1947 Royal Glasindeenburgh.

1948 – 51 The Celtic Nations War.
1952 Hambernia Thistle City (Scotland).

1953 Hambernia Thistle City (Scotland).

1954 Hambernia Thistle City (Scotland).

1955 Plockdeenburgh Reds (Scotland).  
1956 Bretagne Nanilleris (Brittany).

1957 Bretagne Nanilleris (Brittany).

1958 Bretagne Nanilleris (Brittany).

1959 Hambernia Thistle City (Scotland).

1960 – Trophy Withheld Due To Scandal.

1961 Hambernia Knights (Scotland).

1962 Lorryduck City (Wales).

1963- 65 World War Three.

1966 Glasindeenburgh Monks (Scotland).

1967 Glasindeenburgh Monks (Scotland).

1968 Glasindeenburgh Monks (Scotland).

1969 Glasindeenburgh Monks (Scotland).

1970-72 The European Famine.

1973 Glasindeenburgh Monks (Scotland).

1974 Glasindeenburgh Monks (Scotland).

1975 St Newfallmouse Kernow (Cornwall)

1976 Bretagne Nanilleris (Brittany).

1977 Sky United Saints (Scotland).

1978 Plockdeenburgh Reds (Scotland).  

1979 Plockdeenburgh Reds (Scotland).  

1980 Glasindeenburgh Monks (Scotland).

1981 Plockdeenburgh Reds (Scotland).  

1982 Rinrest Rangers (Northern Ireland).

1983 Plockdeenburgh United (Scotland).  

1984 Plockdeenburgh Reds (Scotland).  

1985 Plockdeenburgh Reds (Scotland).  

1986 Glasindeenburgh Monks (Scotland).

1987 Glasindeenburgh Royals (Scotland).

1988 Glasindeenburgh Monks (Scotland).

1989 Glasindeenburgh Royals (Scotland).

1990 Glasindeenburgh Royals (Scotland).

1991 Plockdeenburgh Reds (Scotland).  

1992 Shetorkewis Islanders (Scotland).

1993 Glasindeenburgh Royals (Scotland).

1994 Glasindeenburgh Royals (Scotland).

1995-99 World War Five.

2000 Glasindeenburgh Royals (Scotland).
2001 Glasindeenburgh Monks (Scotland).

2002 Glasindeenburgh Royals (Scotland).

2003 Bretagne Nanilleris (Brittany).

2004-07 The Terror War.
2008 Glasindeenburgh Royals (Scotland).

2009 Glasindeenburgh Royals (Scotland).

2010 Jamebrownbeak Celtic (Isle of Man).  

2011 Lorryduck City (Wales).

2012 Lorryduck City (Wales).

2013 West Green Dragon Irish (Republic of Ireland).

2014 Glasindeenburgh Monks (Scotland).

2015 Glasindeenburgh Monks (Scotland).

2016’ Glasindeenburgh Monks (Scotland).

2017’ Glasindeenburgh Monks (Scotland).

2018 Welshclywpow Cymru (Wales).

2019 Plockdeenburgh Reds (Scotland).  

2020 West Green Dragon Irish (Republic of Ireland).

2021 West Green Dragon Irish (Republic of Ireland).

2022 Welshclywpow Cymru (Wales).

2023 Glasindeenburgh Monks (Scotland).

This is a list of football sport champions.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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