Chapter 2

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Charlie P.O.V.

I can't believe it! Finally a new guest to the hotel! And what's better is that he came here wanting help. Yes! Take that Adam! This is just the first step on proving my belief that sinner can be redeemed.

As I was celebrating in my head on having a new guest for the hotel. I saw everyone surrounding him even Vaggie herself. Which I'm happy to see everyone taking interest of our new guest but main concern about his safety.

Vaggie: So, who are you exactly?

Y/n: My name is Y/n and I just got here which makes no sense to me.

Vaggie: Why do say that?

Y/n: Because I don't believe I should be here. I never did anything wrong in my life!

Angel: You can say that again, hot stuff~ But you aren't making any sense. When someone goes to hell, there is always a reason behind it. So, come on spill it!

Y/n: I'm telling the truth!

Niffty: What do you do? Stab someone! Burned them alive! Did you make them scream!

Y/n: W-What...? N-No! What kind of person enjoys hearing someone in pain.

I saw how uncomfortable Y/n is getting from the question. So, I quickly got in between them to deescalate the situation.

Charlie: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Everyone, calm down! Let not pressure him so much. Y/n is new here so there are a lot of things, he doesn't understand yet. We should make him feel welcome in the hotel first before anything else.

Vaggie: Charlie, we don't know what he did to end up here. All we know is he could a murderer, pedophile, or a psychopath that gets off from torturing his victims!

Y/n: I'm not a murderer! I'm not anything of those things. I never did anything wrong in my life!

Alastor: Hmm....

We all turn our attention to Alastor who keeps eyeing at Y/n with glee which concerns me to be honest.

Charlie: What is it, Alastor?

Alastor: I believe our friend here is telling the truth.

Angel/Vaggie/Charlie: What?!

Hold on! Is Alastor really telling us that Y/n is... innocent!?

Husk: I can't believe I'm saying this... but I agree with Alastor.

Vaggie: How can you be sure about that Alastor? What makes you think he is telling the truth.

Alastor: You see dear~ When a sinner arrive into hell, they have this sort of... smell to them. A smell we demons and Overlords can detect when someone really sinned in their life. But for Y/n here.... I don't smell it. In fact the smell of purity and innocence is causing me to crave in hunger for flesh~

 In fact the smell of purity and innocence is causing me to crave in hunger for flesh~

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