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What does define evil and good? What does define true evil and what does define true good?

Perhaps true evil is someone with so much hatred and anger in one heart, finding pleasure and joy in the suffering of others. Finding chaos upon anyone and anything, finding joy in the agony of everything to even oneself. To murder, to kill, to torture, to take away. Not just in the physical form but in mental form. Making others feel so much mental pain to the point of breaking their minds or make them kill themselves. Not caring the outcome of their actions to those around. No matter how much pain it brings. The joy of agony, death and chaos to everything. That is true evil.

But for evil act, their opposite exist. Compassion and kindness.

Perhaps true good is define by commenting selfless acts without wanting in return. To always be there for those you truly care. To protect them and forgiven them. To never let any harm be brought to the innocent. To understand them and find a way to heal their hearts. To never give up no matter how much pain it brings. Like a hero that is willing to sacrifice it's own life so that everyone may live another day. True good is having compassion, kindness, caring, love, understanding and forgiveness. That is true good.

But then the question is. If we know what's true evil and true good? What is true neutrality?

True Neutral means is that a character is neither good nor evil, lawful nor chaotic. They may act in their own self-interest, but they also strive to maintain a sense of equilibrium and impartiality in their actions. Perhaps a perfect balance between what's stand as good and what stands as evil. It's hard to explain what true neutral is. Giving there's evil neutral and good neutral. Meaning true neutral stands as an opinion of what you believe. I believe is never picking a side. Believing that both sides are wrong and right at the same time. Perhaps finding a solution between evil and good. So I'll ask this final question. If you ever were born into power. What would you do with it? Use it for good? Or evil?..... Or perhaps something else.

Changing scene.

Years before Blitzo started I.M.P.

Location: Imp City.

Imp city, located in the Pride Ring

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Imp city, located in the Pride Ring. Of course Imp City in located in hell itself. However Imp city it's believed to where the low rank demons live. Such as imps and other creatures with very low to no power. And homeless weak demons. It's a chaotic city where sinners that die are send here as Imp or a low rank demons. Depending how they die back on earth. Even imps die here. Which I don't know what happens to do them when they die. But who gives a fuck. Moving on.

Blitzo: Fucking dickhead boss!

Blitzo one of many Demons of hell. Not the most likable Imp around to be honest. Rude as hell and a jerk. But he ain't evil.

Blitzo: Follow what the boss tells you, do what he fucking saying. Don't question him. The fuck is that supposed mean?! Why the fuck should I follow a piece shit boss at a fucking shitty ass job?! That pays you rat ass? Fuck!

Helluva Boss, New DemonWhere stories live. Discover now