In Every Lifetime

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Louis and Harry had the kind of love that would last them a lifetime. Even in hard times they stood by each other's side.

When Harry was diagnosed with dementia he cried over the thought of forgetting their beautiful family. Over 50 years of marriage to the beautiful love of his life. 4 beautiful kids and 11 beautiful grandchildren. He cried at the thought of losing them, at pushing them away, at dying without even knowing them.

Louis stood by his side.

Even when Harry couldn't remember their wonderful years together and he had to pose as a friend. Even when Harry thought their daughter was a nurse.

Louis stood by his side.

Of course it was easier when Harry remembered Louis, but Louis would be there no matter what.

Harry eventually got to the point where he forgot more than he remembered and became violent when he couldn't remember who the man was in his bed. When Harry shouted at his grandson Louis was faced with a very tough decision. Keep Harry in their house and find a way to keep the children away for fear of Harry scaring them or send Harry to a home specializing in dementia patients.

Louis didn't know what to do. On one hand he couldn't think of any ways to keep his grandchildren away from Harry, but on the other he didn't know if he could be away from Harry for so long or if he trusted those homes.

Louis ended up giving Harry the master bedroom and just sleeping in the guest bedroom. Harry was always waking up terrified because of the warm body he was laying on so Louis wanted to protect him from that fear. As much as it hurt, Louis moved every last belonging or picture of him into the guest bedroom. The house was erased of Louisand just leaving Harry.

Louis made the decision to act like he was a nurse or a brother or a friend just depending on how Harry acted that morning. He would wake up before Harry and prepare breakfast before going to Harry's room to wake him up and help him through his morning routine.

One morning Harry woke up before Louis, he woke up screaming for his husband so that's what Louis played for him. Louis got to drop the act and take care of his baby like he deserved to be taken care of. Louis stayed by his side the whole day just being a doting husband like he should be.

Then Harry forgot. Louis was cuddled up next to him on the couch when Harry pushed him away, Louis scrambled to his feet and apologized to "Mr. Styles" and said that he must have fallen asleep and it won't happen again "sir".

Once Harry had calmed down and went to sleep on the couch Louis let himself cry. He released all the emotion he had at seeing his husband's eyes go from loving to terrified.

When he was done, he called his son. He told him how Harry had remembered that day, he remembered that Louis was the love of his life. He may not have known just how old he was or mentioned their kids, but Harry remembered him. Harry remembered him.

He told him how Harry's eyes had widened at the sight of Louis curled under his arm before becoming angry and scared.

Louis cried to his son before returning to the living room to watch the love of his life sleep peacefully.

A few weeks later Louis was playing the role of best friend. Harry kept referring to him as "mate" so Louis returned the favor.

Louis took the opportunity to "introduce" Harry to "Louis'" family. Louis called their kids and gave them the notice that Harry wouldn't remember any of the kids so they would have to explain that to them.

When everyone had arrived Harry laughed and played games with all of "Louis' beautiful grandchildren". Harry chatted with his sons and daughters happily and at the end of the day he said that it was "nice to meet them".

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