part 1

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uki's pov:

i have to leave i cant be here any longer. i look at the clock and see that its says 12 at night. the night is when they have their gaurd down the most. i made my way to the bathroom where we usualy have someone super vising us but because its night and they dont expect us to us the bathroom so they leave. i look up at the window sitting highly on the wall next to the sinks. 'how will i get up there' I though. then i had an idea. im a psychic so i can try and use my powers. the only problem is that i dont really know how. here in the instatution they dont teach you how to use your powers or anything, they dont even tell you about them. you just find out on your own.
i tried my hardest to consentrate but i had to work fast. i though about levetating a bit just to atleast make it to the hight of the window. then i felt my feet lift from the ground and i opened my eyes and i was met with the beautiful purple and blue sky. the moon reflecting off the ocean. it was beautiful, there were stars scattered around the sky. ive never seen the sky like this before and it was beautiful.
i unhooked the locks from the window and lifted it up. the ground was pretty far so i tried my hardest to levetate to the ground. somehow i made it and i started to run and i didnt look back not once.
my bare feet would thump against the ground and it was started to hurt. i didnt have any shoes some kid stole them. they just left us with the clothes we got brought with.
i wasnt looking at where i was going i was just trying to get as far as posible. this whole place is deserted there is nothing around. its just land and ocean, how am i gonna leave? suddenely i tripped and fell into a hole of some sort. it was really dark and i couldnt see anything luckily it wasnt that deep. i did hit my head pretty hard and fell unconsious.
when i woke up there was a fire next to me warming me up. there was a boy sitting next to me  resting his head against the rocks behind him. i tried to get up but i felt a sharp pain in my head. i groaned sofly and layed back down. my head hit something soft maybe a pillow and then i realized that i had a blancket covering me. "oh your awake, be careful your gonna hurt your head." i looked up at the boy. he reached over to touch my head. i flinched slighty and backed away. "hey dont worry im not gonna hurt you. let me check if its ok, lay back down your gonna hurt yourself." i listened and layed my head back onto the small pillow. his hands were cold and didnt feel to human like. "im gonna clean it up, ok?" he said. "ok" i replyed. he smiled softly. he had blue-grey hair, his eyes were around the same color maybe a bit bluer. he also had a red marking over his  left eye.  he was kinda hot.
his hand worked gently to clean the wound. "whats on your neck?" i asked "its a breathing tube i think" he replyed. i winced slightly. "sorry" he said. "its ok, what do you mean you think?"
"i guess its like an ait filter or something." he says. i felt him put a thick substance on the wound, it kinda burned. "whats that?" i asked. "whats what?" he said confused. "the stuff you putting on my head"
"oh its a little pain releaving cream" he said rubbing it soflty onto my head. "ok all done" he said. he wiped his finger on his jacket and closed the little container. "whats your name?"
"fulgur ovid," he said with proud smile,"whats yours?"
"uki violeta" i say smiling back at him. we stayed quiet for a little till he started to speak. "what happened to your shoes?"
dang i forgot about that. "some kid stole them." he nodded.
we asked each other questions tryng to get to know one another. i learned that he is 15 a year younger than me and that his favorite color is red. i also realized that i cant pronounce his name so i just go with fu-chan, he said it was cute. i wonder where he came from and how he got down here. "hey fu-chan, how did u end up down here, and where r u from?" i asked turning to him. we were  sitting by the fire that he made trying to warm up a bit. i turned to face him.
"im not to sure where im from i was never really told or taught about it but we are all cyborg there. in the town there wasnt much air most of it was contaminated thats why i have this thing on my neck. there was an attack and i guess my parents put me into that capsule over there and somehow i ended up here. im not to sure where i am or how to get back so ive just been here. there was food and water and of course stuff to clean myself. but ive only been here for 2 weeks and i plan on leaving tomarrow,"i listened carefully. it was pretty interesting and that answers my question as to why his arms are made of metal and his neck has that thing on it. "where are you from?" he said looking at me. "im not sure actualy. my parents dropped me of at a building that isnt to far from here and im not sure why. they said somthing about money and what not. ive been there since i was 6 and i was never allowed outside, none of us are," i turned to look at the fire,"that place isnt pretty, its horible, i dont know why my parents would do that they dont treat you right. they said that im supposed to leave when i turned 21 but thats in 5 years and i cant stand it there anymore." i said. "so thats were your shoes got stolen?" i nodded. there was an awkward silence. i opened my mouth to speak but he beat me to it."do you wanna go with me?" i looked up at him,the fire slowly dying. i smiled"sure".  we put the fire out and went to bed, it was a bit awkward since we didnt know how to sleep the blanket wasnt that big. "how are we gonna sleep?" i asked. "uhm, i dont know. we might have to share the blanket though." i nodded and crawled over to him and we layed down. we were back to back and it was a bit awkward. i couldnt sleep and the worst part is that i started to shiver sometime during the night. i tried my hardest not to so that he wouldnt notice but he did"are you cold?" i heard him ask. i tensed up a bit but nodded slowly. im not sure if he saw me or not but i felt him turn and wrap his arms around my waist. we were much closer now so the blancket fit both of us much better. his body heat was also helping a lot. i was still pretty tense and a bit awkward though. im pretty sure my face was red. "hey, relax, we'll be  warmer like this." he said, and i nodded. it was pretty hard to fall asleep because i had a tall, handsome guy spooning me. somehow his arm ended up under my head. i didnt mind though, despite it being metal, it was pretty comfortable. i put my hand on his and i smiled drifting into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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