Keep your enemies closer

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After hearing of the location, the two set off. It wasn't that far away but the time passed could mean the target had moved on. 

Bai Fon did her best to lose Thomas but he somehow managed to keep up. While it was clear she was faster and more skilled, Thomas showed a surprising talent for bringer light that he must have honed a bit while dead. She was admittedly jealous as she trained hard to get her shunpo where it was at today. Clearing her mind of that, she thought about the situation.

She is heading into a battle with the man she is supposed to be discreetly monitoring after purposefully exposing herself. This is not going to go over well with Soi Fon. Her first mission direct from the captain and she blundered it. Coming back with a stolen zanpakuto should hopefully stave off some of the anger, but she highly doubted that.

"We're here!" Thomas said interrupting her thoughts.

It was clear what happened here. This was place where all the working girls set up shop because of the high foot traffic. But it looks like the thugs didn't ask for their services and took it by force instead.

"Are you all ok? Any injuries? This woman can heal you." Thomas asked the group of women.

"Are we ok?! No, you idiot! They used and slapped us around before taking all our money and valuables. Now we all are supposed to work for them. Under new management he said." A women shouted.

Bai Fon looked at the dirt road and noticed a large number of footprints heading in one direction. It was a clue and the only one she needed. She closed her eyes and concentrated on seeing the spirit ribbons. Bai Fon eliminated the ones in the opposite direction and eliminated ones belonging to hollows and souls with potential, until there remained one ribbon. 

"Thomas, I know where they are. Follow me." Bai Fon said charging forward.

  "Right behind you, reaper. We will see if we can get your money back ladies." 

Bai Fon had found the thug's hideout. A larger shack with some tents surrounding it at the edge of the district. A perfect place to ambush those traveling between. Thomas stared at the laughing thugs, looking for one in particular.

"He's not there. You think he could be inside?" Thomas asked.

"Sounds like a safe bet. The thugs should be easy, but we still don't know what their leader is capable of."

"Only one way to find out." Thomas said while pulling out his keychain.

There were 24 thugs when the two first arrived, now there was 20 as Harpy flew by and bisected 4 with its wing. Thomas bringer lighted into the camp and kicked another thug in the face sending him flying. Surprise round was over now, and everyone was alert.

Bai Fon saw Thomas rush in and sighed. A plan of attack would have been nice before jumping in. There should be no real danger for either of them in actuality. The illegal reaper was weaker than her and clearly had just awaken his blade not too long ago. Bai Fon herself could have handled him and the thugs with a proper plan of attack. That said, this thug must have gotten cocky after gaining power. The question was what power did his zanpakuto give him to think he could just take over like this?

She pulled out her short blade and stepped onto the battlefield. With her shunpo and swordsmanship, she a blur on the field killing thugs before they could react. Between the two of them, the normal thugs were taken out in less than two minutes.

"What's the racket all about you idiots? Do you want me to ki- Shit." said the man with the fox scarf. "Make them weep, Minikui sairen! Listen here you two. My name is Koike Kaeda, remember it for it will be the last thing you ever hear."

The shikai took the shape of a standard katana, but the blade serrated, and the hilt resembled an open mouth. 

Koike pointed the blade at the two and smirked as a horrible shrieking erupted from the blade causing the duo to cover their ears in pain. Noticing they were off guard; he did a clumsy shunpo and slashed at a vulnerable Thomas aiming for his chest. Bai Fon noticed the attack sooner and kicked Thomas out the way before the blade made contact. Her family taught her to fight through the pain. Soi Fon got her arm cut off and still kept on fighting through the pain. Ringing ears is nothing.

Bai Fon charged forward while Koike was stuck in his attack and delivered a deep cut across his right arm. She kicked out her foot hard into his groin sending him down on his knees. Ready to strike the finishing blow, she was thrown back by another shriek aimed directly at her. Her blade dropped to the ground as she instinctively covered her ears before hitting the ground hard. Head throbbing and vision blurry, there was no better opportunity for Koike to take her out. 

Koike rushed at Bai Fon and brought the blade down on her. A clang rung out as to Koike's surprise, the strange bird had blocked the attack with its metal wings. Thomas was right behind him now and Koike moved his body forward just narrowly missing being decapitated, but still at a cost. A hot pain raked across his back as he cried out in pain. Thomas's grabbed Koike by the back of his shit and threw him into a tree. Bai Fon finally recovered and picked up her blade.

Koike was hurting and could barely hold his sword. He got up and looked at his two opponents, uninjured and most likely used to his tricks by now. He had to escape. His seed wasn't great, but it should get him out of there if he can make one last distraction. Bringing up his blade, he- A hand grabbed his wrist and twisted to the side with a sharp snap breaking it. The sword fell to the ground. 

"I should have just shot everyone up in the beginning. Could have ended this whole thing a hell of a lot sooner. But instead, I rushed in with no plan like an idiot and your stupid screaming sword caught us by surprise. No more playing around. This is for Miri." Thomas said as talons pierced Koike's stomach. 

Thomas tossed the man aside and picked up the zanpakuto. He walked over to Bai Fon and handed it to her.

"This is what you were after right? I'm sorry about rushing in there like that. I made that whole situation harder than it had to be." Thomas apologized. "I just realized I never did ask for your name."

"That's right, you didn't. Remember you told the prostitutes that you would get their money back." Bai Fon responded.

"So, you're just going to not tell me. Can I at least see your face? It's been covered up this whole time?"

"My job is done here. I will be taking my leave now."


Bai Fon was gone leaving Thomas alone. He sighed and went inside to gather all the stolen goods. Making away with a smile on his face, he thought he would like to meet that secretive soul reaper someday soon.

After Thomas finally left, figures previously hidden on the edge of the camp revealed themselves. Hollow snakes slithered out of the forest and headed to the bodies. Some of the thugs were still alive, but barely. They would make for a decent meal, especially the reaper. He was holding on by a thread. The snake's mouth opened to reveal an 8-armed female figure. 

"Leaving such delicious food around! How wasteful. Well don't worry, I'm not like them. I lick my late clean." said the hollow as she slithered towards the terrified Koike.          


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