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> Narrator <

Y/n went back to the arcade with a frown on her face.Instead of bringing bubble teas , she had a bucket of friend chicken on her arms.

"what happened to bubble tea?!"Asked sunoo while pouting."Fried chicken had a sale today,so i had to buy them.They sold 3 pieces of chicken for 50 cents! can you actually believe that?!"she answered while taking a bite on her chicken.

"can i have some?"said jake walking towards her while drooling for the chicken."sorry jakey,let's eat somewhere proper.Do you realise we're standing infront of an arcade?"she glared at him.

"Yum..these are too precious to be eaten by you , y/n~ "teased sunoo."Hush Mr.Kim,these chicken love me because i bought them~!"

"what crap are you both even talking about-if no one is taking this last piece i'm gobbling it."said jake while sneaked his hand in and stole the last chicken.

"Hey! that was mine~"said sunoo begging at jake.y/n got cleaned up and looked over to sunoo."so you have a new gang member?"

"what are you talking about y/n? what's this about sunoo?"asked jake sipping his tea."The great and powerful lee heeseung joined our gang group,jake.Sunghoon really likes this new guy,i wanted to bear with him but he's y/n's ex.."he explained playing with his fingers.

"but don't worry,i'm good at annoying people.So i'll annoy him a lot for you y/n~"he continued."this is the only reason i like sunoo~!"she said hugging him.Sunoo side-eyed her."But why 'the great and powerful'?"she asked.

sunoo left out a laugh."He's a young CEO girly~ that's why he's wealthy."


> Lee Heera <

After my driver drove me home,i called for my maids to carry my groceries and went inside hee's mansion."Hee~ can i start cooking now? i'll cook some jjajangmyeon okay!?"i yelled for his response.

"Noona don't forget to add fried chicken too,i'm craving for them~"he yelled back.I'm too lazy to go out and buy fried chicken so i'll just ask Bella to go and buy some.I should pay her some 20k won as a tip.

After a while she arrived,finally.i can start cooking jjajangmyeon ramyeon~ oh, maybe she can join in our lunch too!

"Hee! we have a guest eating lunch with us so get ready okay?!"i yelled."Okay,fine!"he replied.i smiled when i saw bella walking towards the gate with a handful of chicken in a bucket.

"welcome to my home Bella~! here's your tip~"i gave her.

> narrator <

"e-eh?! i've eaten already-"

"it's fine,please sit!my cooking is very delicious so you should mentally prepare yourself for this~!"she said while starting to cook.Y/n texted jake telling him that she couldn't stay for gaming session with him so she would meet him tonight.

"here,jjajangmyeon special for my special guest!!"she said plating it for y/n."n-no it's fine..really!"

"Noona~ you're cooking smells good!"said heeseung as he suddenly stopped and looked at y/n.


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