A Strange Date

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Cube: as now I cube will tell the two icy and paul that theyre on a da-

Scratch: One more word and I'll zip your mouth until the end of the story.

Cube: sorry...

Let's take a turn where icy is getting ready for a date! A sweet one!

But the outcome may not be pleasant.....

Paul: You ready?

Icy: Yep! 

As she walks downstairs with her new sparkly dress.

Paul: Damn icy, I love our dress!

They went to this very fancy cafe, fun fact the cafe is always cold. Not too cold but just right for icy.

Icy has a immunity where she can sustain  cold temperatures as in below 18 degrees or lower to the negitives!

Maid: Glad you came! Have a seat!

Paul: Ah thanks pretty tiny I'd say

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Paul: Ah thanks pretty tiny I'd say.

Maid: uhhh I beg your pardon?

(it's true this maid is pretty smallthan a average human size)

Paul: sorry if that offended you.......

Maid: What would u like at our 5 star ice cafe!

Icy: *looks at the menu* I'll take a meatball supreme!

Paul: I'll take the double burger with fries!

Maid:Okay coming right up!

As she leaves to get the food someone was behind icy's table, giving her a death stare.

???: Been a while have we met?

Icy: !! Uhhhh who's this?

??: What you dont remember me? After you clearly ditched me.......

Icy: J-JACK?

Jack: Yep girl i was wondering if we can yknow reunite?

Icy: Like I EVER? NO!

Paul: Hey back off....

Jack: Back off?

Jack grabs a knife.


Paul: Youre threatening an officer mister!

Paul is a poilce officer, so he instantly pull out his badge!

Paul also has his gun on his pocket. "Make one move, or you're under arrest."

Jack storms off. "YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE LAST OF ME!"

*slams the door*

Maid: Well that was unsettleing.

Paul and icy remained at their date! Peacefully at least but jackwasnt done yet,he went to his castle into his lab.

Jack: It's almost done.......the last touches......

Some mytourious potion was being developed.

Jack: With this power i  can finally get my rue girl  back!

Ice Sister: Adaptation 1Where stories live. Discover now